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Jeremy Vine on radio 2.... all this week they are running a vote on which vehicle u want off the road...todays was vans ,yesterday was TRACTORS and so on.

so of course you get some  tw@t who has never even seen a tractor up close before saying how they are terrible, slow and noisy....they dont seem to realise that everything in theyr kitchen cupboards has been in very close contact withj a tractor!


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Jeremy Vine on radio 2.... all this week they are running a vote on which vehicle u want off the road...todays was vans ,yesterday was TRACTORS and so on.

so of course you get some  tw@t who has never even seen a tractor up close before saying how they are terrible, slow and noisy....they dont seem to realise that everything in theyr kitchen cupboards has been in very close contact withj a tractor!


Tell me about it how boring is radio 2 had to listen to it today working for my mate who's old and listen's to it had to put up with it all the way back from london in a white van liked the bit about getting the horses of the road bit  :D
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yes, i must agree. horsies are just a pain [especially since i drove a 300 mile round trip to take this girl i fancied to the horse of the year show, even though i am indifferent to horses, and sat through it for 9 hours] - and i still didnt nail her!


Hahahahahahaha thats made my day mate  :D :D

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Just realized yesterday that I had forgot to bring in a model from Sunday's photo shoot, had to pry it off of the ground as it was so cold out.  :(

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yes, i must agree. horsies are just a pain [especially since i drove a 300 mile round trip to take this girl i fancied to the horse of the year show, even though i am indifferent to horses, and sat through it for 9 hours] - and i still didnt nail her!


;D ;D ;D ;D ;D:D :D :D :D :D :D :D
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My Lamborghini Tractor off of eBay - A lot more damage than the description! :(

I have mailed seller and await reply! >:(

Offered a full refund if I return the tractor. Don't know what to do now?

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My head......I've had a splitting headache 3 days out of 4 this week...... >:( :'( ;)

I bet its migrain Mart - I get that from time to time and best bet is just go to bed - it could go in 1 day or sometimes maybe not for a week  :( - for different people different things set it off - in my case it is usually stress or not having eaten for long periods or eating cheese or yogurts  :(

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I bet its migrain Mart - I get that from time to time and best bet is just go to bed - it could go in 1 day or sometimes maybe not for a week  :( - for different people different things set it off - in my case it is usually stress or not having eaten for long periods or eating cheese or yogurts  :(

Chocolate is a bad trigger too

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I bet its migrain Mart - I get that from time to time and best bet is just go to bed - it could go in 1 day or sometimes maybe not for a week  :( - for different people different things set it off - in my case it is usually stress or not having eaten for long periods or eating cheese or yogurts  :(

It could well be Colm...... :-\ :'( :'(

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Chocolate is a bad trigger too

That's right mainly stress, and dairy based products that cause it  :-\

It could well be Colm...... :-\ :'( :'(

I hope for your sake Mart it isn't as its a terrible thing to suffer from  :'( :'( :'(

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I've got a meeting with the student support after two of my best mates got in a huge punch up, i accidently shot someone from point blank with an elastic band and an indian guy called me a farmer tramp so on the school network i sent him a picture of a can of deoderent and told him to use it * Insert angellic face here * Not that bad ... network ban at the least i imagine  :-\

P.S Im not a racist .... he just stinks

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I've got a meeting with the student support after two of my best mates got in a huge punch up, i accidently shot someone from point blank with an elastic band and an indian guy called me a farmer tramp so on the school network i sent him a picture of a can of deoderent and told him to use it * Insert angellic face here * Not that bad ... network ban at the least i imagine  :-\

P.S Im not a racist .... he just stinks

Sounds like a right old pegging session there Nick :D :D. "Please sir, the elastic band just jumped into my hand and stretched itself, honest" :D Good man for sticking up for yourself, I used to hate being abused for being a farmer by ignorant people in school >:( >:(

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Sounds like a right old pegging session there Nick :D :D. "Please sir, the elastic band just jumped into my hand and stretched itself, honest" :D Good man for sticking up for yourself, I used to hate being abused for being a farmer by ignorant people in school >:( >:(

Haha Nah the thing is our class is kind of divided because our school is divided into forms based on where you live e.g. Hill the guys who live in this village bla bla bla. And my form is basically the rest and we all have our own little groups and theres the chavs, the nerds, the indians and the country boys. And the country boys were messing round shooting at eachother with elastic bands and one hit this guy on the head and hes got the arse and started calling me a tramp so all hell kicked off and as you said i just can't stand ignorant people mocking my interests so i told him what a complete 'waste of space' to put it nicely he was. And then he snitched about my email and the teacher  forwarded to the head  >:( >:(

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