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Scared the life out of a garage owner when I pulled under the canopy to fuel up :D :D Once fuelled up I had to back out onto the main road as the canopy lights were a shade lower ::)

oh deer tris, one of our guys did that, ripped of a brand new texaco canaopy that was installed 2 days before, no damage to the truck mind other than a red faced driver

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No it was all fine, I went there yesterday but they were out of diesel. I was solo but was sure it would be ok with the trailer on. I was right, just! The attendent watched me out afterwards. He said most people drop their trailers down the trading estate. I was running on vapour so couldnt risk it ::)

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Last day on the oil job today, had to deliver to Milton Keynes and Great Billing Sewage Treatment works then to a commercial vehicle garage back here in Norfolk, dreadful driving conditions on the A11, A14 and M1 due to the weather

For those who want to see photographic evidence of Tris's tight squeeze today, here you go :o

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Cool Gav! The sun was perfect for those phone photo's. Came out a treat :) Had a bit of rain round the M40 just now Gav but all in all I have avoided that weather. :) Loaded one trailer in Southam and dropped it at TNT Atherstone. Then solo run to TNT Leicester where I am waiting for a trailer to go back to Atherstone. . . then I have to come back to Liecester again, back to Atherstone, then Milton (Didcot) and if after that I have 2hrs to get home I will be a) happy and B) shattered!! :-[

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apart from recovering from my sore head i was out to the field looking for the dung spreader parts which should have been in the store mabe my head is still mucked up :D :D

only joking the floor chain snapped so i went and looked for the missing links

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today.....up at 8, off pigeon shooting with my cousin....spent 3 odd hours in a ditch! >:( >:(....he wont listen to me that we are spotted before the pigeons even come in, we need more cover :D :D :D::)....now on here after 1.5 days....spent all of yesterday shopping >:(

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Working sooooooooooooo hard... started at 6am... only just finished and now got loads of leads to list on eBay cos I'm working again tomorrow.. :'( :'( :'(

I don't mind really... just thinking of the money... and Spalding ;D

poor Mandy dont over do it or you will be a sleep at spalding :'( :'(

today i've been shopping for clothes and making brushes ;)

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Today I are bin mostly... filling in a tender document... something I have been doing for about 15 hours a day.... for the last week  >:(

If I don't get this one I am going to have a proper temper tantrum  >:( - It's Gavvers area as well... Naaaarfulk bouy  ;)

Also... I'm building myself a new office... well.... one of my lads is doing it for me.. bless him...


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No... thats upstairs mate... next to the potato peeling hopper room... but away from the rest of the offices  ;D

At the moment I'm in an office with 4 of us... I do like to break wnd as much as I can.... and pick my nose... but they seem to get annoyed with me when I do that  :-[:D :D :D

Only problem is... it's blooming hot in the summer.... so I may have to have an aircon unit as well  :-\

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No, I want to get up at a decent time tomorrow mate (old and boring mate) coz she will be at hers with a hangover so I can make the most of having a few more hours on the granary building. Spalding is just too close all of a sudden!!!

May have to gave a few cheeky ciders and a smole at hers tomorrow night though, Monday off  ;)

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