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What have you been doing or plan on doing today?

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In the T6080, I did 10 acres yesterday on sort of level ground and the tractor is brown with water mud splashing everywhere. Clay ground on a hill = day off  ;D

I suppose you could have given Marky a call John and he could have acted as a "tracer" with the Renault for you.

Mind you thinking back he may not pull you in a straight line ;D ;D

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His noseship  >:( >:(:D :D :D:-[

Note to self... christmas card list... names to delete...

Bill 'spotless garage' cruikshank

John 'snaildown' Cranberry

Card would not have reached me anyway Mark....incorrect spelling..... ;) ;)

Bill 'spotless garage' cruiCkshank  ;D ;D

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Poor Mand.... best settle down to a Quincy & Murder She Wrote marathon and a bottle of brandy then...  ;)

I've just been to TP to pick up some more odds & sods for the house, bit more paint etc etc.

Going to try to finish filling in the holes in the kitchen walls this evening and maybe even get some paint on the walls....perhaps grout the slate too.... Have ordered the wall tiles anyway, they'll be here Friday, so Friday evening will be wall tiling probably, maybe paint the front room... [which will be a sort of Birthday surprise for Mrs H... ;)]

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What did i do all last night, sat outside in a car at the hosipital becuase my older sister had a pain in her side and they thought it could be kidney stones, left home at got there at 12am got home 6 this morning, im absouletly shattered :-[:-[. Turned out to be IBS she is fine now.  :)

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Struggled to raise myself this morning, did some more filling round the kitchen, utility and sitting room last night, then thought I'd see what the new paint looked like on the sitting room walls, then thought I'd finish the first coat, then thought I'd cut it in, then thought since the first coat was dry I'd stick another on and get it finished.... so finished washing my roller at half one this morning. One job off the list!  ;D

Boss has gone out for the morning so has suggested I knock off when he gets back after lunch so trying to get my odds and sods wrapped up here so I can get away and get some more done before the kids finish school. Probably clean down the kitchen walls & fine fill ready for paint, then a long night ahead grouting the kitchen & snug floors, may even clear the utility out and get the slate and heating down in there too.... Lots of noise tomorrow finishing boxings in the kitchen and cuts for the slate if I get it down, then wall tiling in the kitchen tomorrow afternoon, grout sunday, touch up the paint and get the plinths on the units in the kitchen and then probably collapse!!  :D

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Your too hard on yourself mate. Have a bit of faith Simon, I'm sure it isnt going to just collapse after all your excellent hard work! ;)

:D :D

I was thinking more of myself mate  ;) ;)  :D :D :D Although now you mention it, the patch I put in the kitchen ceiling does look a bit dicey!!  :D :D

We've got this huge great big [maybe] party on Monday night for Niki's birthday so I've got to get the 3 rooms completely finished... :-\ We';; see how it goes  ;);D

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