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What have you been doing or plan on doing today?

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so, i've been sober since Wednesday, in an attempt to clean up my life (after a 3 week binge) today I am going on a tour of Cains Brewery in Liverpool. Anyone else see where this is going? I think I just tripped over the wagon.

You're not allowed to drink in the Brewery Alex, oh no! Health and Safety you see.

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afte 10 pints of thatches gold cider last night, i needed it after fidays new, i was up at 8.30 and in to town, left her at the haidresses and got some much needed belly filler  with a nice big fry up breaky, and 3 cups of tea, then a bit of xmas shopping for her last bits and bobs, ,met up again then lunch and a few drinks, followed by a tip to hotel chocolate fo a box of very alcholoic truffels fo tonight with a couple of bottles of wine , both in need of some relaxation following recent events ,but got some sophie sitting to do first for a few hours

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Had a lay in today, the first for several weeks. Even had a cup of tea in bed thanks to hers truly! Had a little trip down to Otter Nurseries near Honiton and now looking for somewhere for a late lunch before visiting her relatives in Honiton.

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got all the models back up in the loft today, all safely baged and dessicated for extra safety,sorted the back bedroom out and cleaned the build board off ready to get going with the lely copmbine again, currently drawing out a few plans for bits on that, and a couple of other builds i want to try along side it, works gone a bit quiet now so with luck i can get going again on a few projects

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Had a lay in today, the first for several weeks. Even had a cup of tea in bed thanks to hers truly! Had a little trip down to Otter Nurseries near Honiton and now looking for somewhere for a late lunch before visiting her relatives in Honiton.

Tris you were only a mile from me! Should have called, we'd have sorted a lunch for you. Otter Nurseries lunches a pretty good as well.

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give a 30minute presentation,

do some christmas shopping,

try not to fall asleep in my lecture,

celebratory pint at the pub,

go and watch my friend play the nurse in Medea (by euripides!),

drive my friend to the airport for 3am, (so she can return to canada, eh?)

if i manage all that without forgetting to do any of it i'll be happy! (as will the canadian i would imagine)

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give a 30minute presentation,

do some christmas shopping,

try not to fall asleep in my lecture,

celebratory pint at the pub,

go and watch my friend play the nurse in Medea (by euripides!),

drive my friend to the airport for 3am, (so she can return to canada, eh?)

if i manage all that without forgetting to do any of it i'll be happy! (as will the canadian i would imagine)

Wow that brings it back, presentations still feature largely in my 'back to school/college/uni' anxiety dreams! I never worried about falling asleep when my heart was going at 150 bpm!

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Tris you were only a mile from me! Should have called, we'd have sorted a lunch for you. Otter Nurseries lunches a pretty good as well.

We gathered that by the queue! It was busy in the resturaunt so we took a detour to The Otter Inn at Weston . . . where they were having electricity problems. Fortumately the carvery was on, the beef was very tasty!! (spuds were like dog chews though :(  ). I even sampled an Otter Ale, not bad either!

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We gathered that by the queue! It was busy in the resturaunt so we took a detour to The Otter Inn at Weston . . . where they were having electricity problems. Fortumately the carvery was on, the beef was very tasty!! (spuds were like dog chews though :(  ). I even sampled an Otter Ale, not bad either!

The Weston has a variable reputation, used to be very good. New people I understand.

Otter Nurseries and Sunday....busiest day of the week. You can get a good carvery at the Hare and Hounds on the Honiton to Sidmouth road, beers good as well.

Let me know next time you are in East Devon.

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Day off which has enabled my car to be sent back to the garage to have it's front driver's side spring to be replaced after it was discovered to be cracked in half. Having a good catch up on here before turing my brain towards some home work. Filling in a "behaviours analysis" document in readiness for my impending review on my accomplishments at work this year.

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Topsoil deliveries, mixing some more up (with compost from the local IVC works)... meeting with one of my larger customers... generally buggering about  :-[

It's all over for me now on the Fruit & Veg front... schools are just about finished for Christmas... happy days  ;D:P  .. mind you.. I do have a few baling jobs to fit in before we break up and Lumpy has a weeks holiday... the selfish sod  >:(:of:)

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Delivered 36 bales of straw with no problems. Then had a surprise. The 165 railway shunter was to be picked up from the home of The Coldridge Collection! :) It was dead so I winched it up on with the help of Mr Thorn himself. What a nice chap! Just pulled a very dead 565 up on near Witheridge using crane, winch and a ratchet strap for a fail safe. Grabbing a break here before heading back Taunton way for a mower but space is a bit lacking!

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