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Why you being like that  :'( :'( :'( :'(

:D :D - Don't tug at the old emotional heart strings with me Mr Funny Bunny...

As it happens... having seen your pic that Mandy took... I may well... er.... buy you a cup of tea and a biccy  :D :D

What is it with you FTFers - you are all Hooooooge with the exception of the west country lads

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:D :D - Don't tug at the old emotional heart strings with me Mr Funny Bunny...

As it happens... having seen your pic that Mandy took... I may well... er.... buy you a cup of tea and a biccy  :D :D

What is it with you FTFers - you are all Hooooooge with the exception of the west country lads

To late now sunshine to retract your statement you've made your bed now you've gotta lie in it after that unprovoked attack  >:( >:(>:(
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I'm not taking you to A&E :D :D :D::)

You won't need to Ben the undertakers will do fine  :D :D :D

:-[ cup of tea and a kit kat maybe  ???  :'( :'( :'(

Anyway... you touch me and mandy will get ya  >:(

Ha... not so brave now are ya... whilst I hide behind Mandy  :-[:D :D :D

Make it a pint of lager and you might be let off don't drag mandy in to it  ;) ;) ;):D :D
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:D :D :D - Oooo you can turn the blooming tables you can Mr Simon M...  :( - Mandy.... you know he started it all.... I was innocent of all charges... he's just a big hairy chested bully boy  :'( :'( :'(

You know I have a "condition" as well...  :'( :'(

Anyway... BACK on topic...

Today I are bin mostly...

Working at my desk as usual... I hate Mondays... Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and ESPECIALLY Fridays most of all  >:( >:(>:( >:(>:(

I've hardly had time for a *** break today... I've been working out out waste re-cycling system - from next month we all have to screen ALL of our waste.. soooo much work for us to do now... most F & V comes in a bag in a box (if that makes sense)... so we now have to seperate every item BEFORE we throw it away.... the good news is... I bought a plastic baler a few months ago and we can get paid for out old plastic waste if we bale it right  ;D

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... I've been working out out waste re-cycling system - from next month we all have to screen ALL of our waste.. soooo much work for us to do now... most F & V comes in a bag in a box (if that makes sense)... so we now have to seperate every item BEFORE we throw it away.... the good news is... I bought a plastic baler a few months ago and we can get paid for out old plastic waste if we bale it right  ;D

I am all for "green-ness" but some of the legislation is impossible.  Surely it would be better for the local authorities to employ people sorting the rubbish rather than have every business, regardless of size, being obliged to spend a lot time and money on waste management.  Better still why not have incentives for "green" paclaging at source - or better no packaging at all, 

I cannot see why a lettuce must be in a plastic bag or apples or potatoes.  I love to go to shops that have loose fruit and veg that have been handled properly and have a PAPER bag to put them in.  S.Ireland has banned plastic carrier bags and every shop uses paper ones.

I remember when potatoes in my local greengrocer were nestled in peat, apples were in pressed card racks (like egg boxes) and soft fruits were in plywood punnets. All eminently recyclabe.  Then plastic became the in thing....

There I go, showing my age again.

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I am all for "green-ness" but some of the legislation is impossible.  Surely it would be better for the local authorities to employ people sorting the rubbish rather than have every business, regardless of size, being obliged to spend a lot time and money on waste management.  Better still why not have incentives for "green" paclaging at source - or better no packaging at all, 

I cannot see why a lettuce must be in a plastic bag or apples or potatoes.  I love to go to shops that have loose fruit and veg that have been handled properly and have a PAPER bag to put them in.  S.Ireland has banned plastic carrier bags and every shop uses paper ones.

I remember when potatoes in my local greengrocer were nestled in peat, apples were in pressed card racks (like egg boxes) and soft fruits were in plywood punnets. All eminently recyclabe.  Then plastic became the in thing....

There I go, showing my age again.

I quite agree, Susan - about time our governments tackled the problem at source rather than fire fighting all the time >:(

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Today, I've been talking to Marcus about our (Sean, Marcus, Tris and Myself) mega layout for Toytrac...

This is going to be something ;D

gonna have to sort out final bits soon, i need to finsh it of

as for me back to work today, currently sat in the tele exchange in barnstable awating the ok on a fiber job i have been on today, could take a good hr to get that then a good 2 hr drive back for me to this time of day, not a good start back late on my first day

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I agree too... we work closely with our suppliers to ensure the minimal amount of packaging... we insist on items such as carrots coming to us in paper sacks and not "standard" plastic, bulk items in dolav bins, small goods in re-usable containers etc.... furthermore... we send our goods out in a returnable crate - so we can deal with the waste ourselves (as part of a service)... the problem I have is our output... we currently output around 10t per week of foodwaste (mostly from our peeling operation) and approx 4t per week of card, paper, plastic etc... Our industry is a very high waste business really - so waste costs for me are becoming a large cost factor in our process.

I'm totally committed to supporting the environment - we have invested a considerable sum in our "sustainable procurement" initiative and we redoploy our vehicles to collect goods to reduce foodmiles where we can - It would be nice to get some sort of rebate (say from the horrendous level of corporation tax we pay) to balance the books a little better.

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I agree too... we work closely with our suppliers to ensure the minimal amount of packaging... we insist on items such as carrots coming to us in paper sacks and not "standard" plastic, bulk items in dolav bins, small goods in re-usable containers etc.... furthermore... we send our goods out in a returnable crate - so we can deal with the waste ourselves (as part of a service)... the problem I have is our output... we currently output around 10t per week of foodwaste (mostly from our peeling operation) and approx 4t per week of card, paper, plastic etc... Our industry is a very high waste business really - so waste costs for me are becoming a large cost factor in our process.

I'm totally committed to supporting the environment - we have invested a considerable sum in our "sustainable procurement" initiative and we redoploy our vehicles to collect goods to reduce foodmiles where we can - It would be nice to get some sort of rebate (say from the horrendous level of corporation tax we pay) to balance the books a little better.

GRRRRRRRRRR.............waste..................taxes..........don't our Government just love this "Green"  environment thing. It's the best thing that has ever happened for them along with the Global warming myth. A license to print money. The government aren't really sincere about this waste phenomena. Why......heard of "Landfill tax"..........another nice little earner for them. >:( >:(>:(

    I absolutely hate the amount of food that goes to waste, and a lot of it comes down to pre packed goods. This'll make you laugh..... On Saturday I was at our yard, servicing my car. Late in the afternoon I got very hungry and found I had no money on me to buy something from our shop. No problem.......we have a waste skip......mostly full of cardboard boxes and out of date food; so I went and did some ........er ......"Shopping" in the skip. :-[  I found a four pack of Braeburn apples, two four packs of Golden Delicious apples, a dozen free range eggs, two "Nets" of oranges and a bag of six onions, and all were out of date by one day. ??? My point is that had all these items been sold loose in a groan greasers (Green Grocers); they wouldn't have had sell by dates on them, and wouldn't have been thrown away. Our shop turnover isn't that great, hence the wastage.

    All of the food was perfectly edible, (I took it home) and had it been bought loose; no one would have rejected it for any reason. I was a bit peed off about one thing though,..............there weren't any mushrooms "In stock" when I did my "Shopping"..........doooh. ;):D

      Something else that rattles ol' BW is this stupid scenario of plastic waste. Our local council recycles plastic bottles; but while we can put plastic milk bottles in the recycling; we have to remove the plastic lids and sealing rings. The same applies to coke bottles etc. Coffee jar lids also have to be thrown away as they wont recycle them either. Are the types of plastic that different? ??? ??? ??? ???

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Yes - what a waste in Supermarket skips.

A few years ago a customer phoned the support line - not for help with his accounts but just to talk to someone.

He is a vegetable grower and had a contract with a supermarket chain we all know too well.  He sent a consignement of lettuce to them and three weeks later a lorry turned up returning all the lettuce.  The whole lot had been rejected. They were tipped into a heap in his yard and he was left with a tonne or more lettuce, all rotten, in their plastic bags that he was obliged to pack them in. 

The reason for the rejection? ....

...The labels were on crooked

Not the first time I have played samaritan to a potential suicide.

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