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Well spent all morning clearing up on one of our farms as we have now finished OSR and onto the last 150 acres of Oats then managed to go combining at about 1 but got rained off at 6 but was 20 miles from yard so had very wet load by time i got back :'( :D

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Well done Jez on the theory test mate  :)

Today I spread pooh. Then drove form Thornbury to the other side of Cheltenham to drop my spreader off and return to Thornbury solo which all took 5.5hrs!! Got to take the slew up in the morning. Why I couldn't take two spreaders so we could all move in one go and save 5hrs travelling, 60L fuel and 5hrs pay was down to Mr Cordrois Trousers  ::)>:(

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Unloading nearly £8000 worth of new bull pens, feed barriers, gates and posts for our revamped over wintering yards then clearing up some old bales so we can start demolishing the old yard

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well, yesterday toyboy and i tied the knot!  ;D ;D got a lovely day for the wedding and a really good time was had by all!  can't believe i am now someones wife!

might even buy toyboy some models as a belated wedding present... if he's lucky!  :D

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well, yesterday toyboy and i tied the knot!  ;D ;D got a lovely day for the wedding and a really good time was had by all!  can't believe i am now someones wife!

might even buy toyboy some models as a belated wedding present... if he's lucky!  :D

Congratulations to you both  :D :D :D :D :D :D

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well, yesterday toyboy and i tied the knot!  ;D ;D got a lovely day for the wedding and a really good time was had by all!  can't believe i am now someones wife!

might even buy toyboy some models as a belated wedding present... if he's lucky!  :D

He has no excuse for forgetting the wedding anniversaries 08/08/08 just HAS to be memorable.  Congratulations to you both.

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Indeedy... congrats on the wedding you two  :-* - may you have a long and happy life together...

As for me...

Today I are bin mostly.... driving back from my holidays... left at 4.20am French time... arrived home at 5.30pm UK time... most of it spent on the UK roads in traffic jams  >:( :'( :'( :'(

Put a good 1200 miles on the Landy this week.... Even my teeth are bruised now  :o :'( :D :D

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well, yesterday toyboy and i tied the knot!  ;D ;D got a lovely day for the wedding and a really good time was had by all!  can't believe i am now someones wife!

might even buy toyboy some models as a belated wedding present... if he's lucky!  :D

Good for you guys. :)

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well, yesterday toyboy and i tied the knot!  ;D ;D got a lovely day for the wedding and a really good time was had by all!  can't believe i am now someones wife!

might even buy toyboy some models as a belated wedding present... if he's lucky!  :D

Congratulations to the Toys!! You'll be able to look back in years to come and  say to yourselves, that's our Toy Story. ...

Hey. ..  who let down the curtain!!!  :( :( :(:D

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well, yesterday toyboy and i tied the knot!  ;D ;D got a lovely day for the wedding and a really good time was had by all!  can't believe i am now someones wife!

might even buy toyboy some models as a belated wedding present... if he's lucky!  :D

Congratulations on your marriage, may you live long and happy lives together. (Seriously)

P.S. If you are a good girl and buy toyboy some models, he might just want to turn you into a very interesting hilly piece of terrain to drive his tractors up and down..............aah.....wouldn't that be nice. Just think what he could do with a topper.............a digger............. or a pasture scarifier................cor, now that would be real fun, wouldn't it.  ;);D

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Congratulations on your marriage, may you live long and happy lives together. (Seriously)

P.S. If you are a good girl and buy toyboy some models, he might just want to turn you into a very interesting hilly piece of terrain to drive his tractors up and down..............aah.....wouldn't that be nice. Just think what he could do with a topper.............a digger............. or a pasture scarifier................cor, now that would be real fun, wouldn't it.  ;);D

Pahhahahahahaha. Always one isnt theyre.

Congrats toygirl and toyboy.

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