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What have you been doing or plan on doing today?

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Tried to climb the downhill end of the house today to secure some loose tiles in readiness for tonight's forecast storm. Too d*mned high to reach with anything I've got! Ended up squirting expanding foam out under the tiles from inside the loft. Fingers crossed that it'll do the trick until I get some scaffolding organised! Serves me right for gadding off to France to help my friend over the summer instead of doing the repairs here! Still got some fencing to repair and the south side of the shed to waterproof, but at least I've SOMETHING to keep our roof in place and water tight... Fingers crossed now!

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Today we went over to John Harveys house near Molash Canterbury he is a artist who specialises in country scenes Oasts farm yards, animals, today I collected a picture of a claas Matador combine and 2 other Oast pictures.

you can visit his website at www.johnharveyartist.com


I will post a picture of the Matador later Mike R

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Getting over last nights uk wedding party , great night had , met loads of familly from her side I didn't know . And had huge praise for my pics of the wedding which we ran as a slide show on a projector we sourced, loads want. Loads want copies made and are willing to pay so looks like some time spent soon printing out pics , and making discs of them

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Well up this morning got showered headed off to church with mum then on the way back pop into the vets (mums work) as she had to check in on a few boarding dogs then back home had a spot of lunch and got the fire sorted and have been sat with my feet up at it for the rest of the day as it raining all day :( just sitting now with a nice glass of 2010 red wine waiting on dinner.

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Tried to climb the downhill end of the house today to secure some loose tiles in readiness for tonight's forecast storm. Too d*mned high to reach with anything I've got! Ended up squirting expanding foam out under the tiles from inside the loft. Fingers crossed that it'll do the trick until I get some scaffolding organised! Serves me right for gadding off to France to help my friend over the summer instead of doing the repairs here! Still got some fencing to repair and the south side of the shed to waterproof, but at least I've SOMETHING to keep our roof in place and water tight... Fingers crossed now!

Well, where did the storm go? I battened down the hatches, but we haven't even had a flower pot move! Looks like the south coast might have copped it, though. How are you guys out to the west doing?

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Just got back from London after watching the 49ers thrash the  Jacksonville Jaguars in the NFL Wembley game, great entertainment


Seen it on TV Mike wanted to get some corn dogs, potato chips and one of them hats that hold two cans on beer :D

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Been waiting all day for my electrician to come and put a new fused switch in my borehole well head, didn't have any cold water last evening and investigating the switchgear revealed that the fused switch was very black and fried, don't know what caused it, could be condensation seeing the fuse didn't blow, all done now, good job that we here didn't get the storm that was forecast, we did have quite severe wind but nothing like the Eastern Counties suffered although we did have a lot of rain, my weather station recorded 87.3mm between 15.30 Sunday to 0730 today, that's an awful lot of water!

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Must be a lot of water around. We are on a hill, but have a sunken patio. Normally rain just drains away, as we are on gravel here. Today, it's about 2 inches deep in the patio and showing no sign of going down anytime soon. I've not been down to the river yet, but I'll bet it's running like a good 'un! Denmark seems to be copping it now. I hope they're coping with it all.

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We should be discussing this in the weather topic really John but the local news this afternoon said that the storm had not developed as much as expected as it reached us but developed more as it tracked across the Country and beyond, now in Denmark it's developed fully and they are, or were a few hours ago, feeling its full might. It could have been a lot worse.

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You're absolutely right, Tim!

Today was too wet to do anything constructive, so I went to Mole Valley Farmers with my daughter to look at waterproofs. While I was there, I also forgot to pick up the corrugated iron to fix the shed. To round off a successful day, I largely sat on the computer and bought stuff I don't really need on Amazon and ebay!

I really hope the sun comes out tomorrow - (cue song!).


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Seems like another day here of blustery showers so not a lot will be going on today, hedge trimming is now cancelled due to how sodden the fields are but the road hedges are still being done. One little job to do today is to fire up the chainsaw and log up an oak limb that's come off a tree on the hedge on the farm track behind where I park my Land Rover, it came down yesterday but wasn't as a result of the nearly storm on Saturday, the tree isn't that big but spreads out about half way up to five near upright branches and three of them have collapsed about two foot from where they start off the main trunk, noticed they were hanging last Wednesday, they look like there's been a weight on them, like the way heavy snow breaks down the limbs on trees and leaves them splintered and hanging, can't get up the tree to cut them down so I will leave them alone, they'll come down naturally sometime. 

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Bright sunshine and some showers here, so I've been clearing the ivy off of our back wall and measuring the workshop for its new skin of cladding. When we had it built,(out of nice timber - we thought!), the b*ggers seem to have used new wood, which has dried out and let the joints ease. I've been caulking them for a couple of years, but now all I can do is clad the whole thing in steel sheeting to keep it watertight! I've been looking at some cladding from a company in Okehampton who deliver. Does anybody know of another dealer in Devon/Somerset, please? I suppose the extra skin will keep it more secure anyway!

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Went out to finish the fencing today and the skies opened as we got the first panel off the trailer! Soaking wet again... ho-hum.


THEN my daughter rings up to say that she's bringing a new friend home to eat with us tonight - 15 minutes before she arrived!!! One day she'll get the meaning of time...


THEN I lit the woodburner for the first time tonight... Winter is officially here in our house!

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Work day three today so means I need to work but from home. Done 2 hours but due to a system outrage down for three hours I'll have to do split shifts...but hey ho it pouring down outside and well if fine tomorrow I will take the day off in lieu. Meanwhile I'll spend some time on here and get paid for it ;D  ;D

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Sun shining now Robert and I advised my new (elevated) boss ... (the Financial director ) I will take Monday off if fine weather in lieu of working 5 hours on a Sunday..to take up the rest of my tatties up since the frosty morning's are starting ;D  ;D


Well I did not say my mission but he comes from an Island (but former public school boy) so I don't think he will have had to dig or pick tatties ;D  ;D

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Popped into Gloucester to have a look in Debenhams for some new clothes, none there,

H&M....none there, 





River Island, nothing

.....all in all, saved loads, but will be going on holiday next week with no new gear!!!


Also went to watch THOR, not a bad film :)

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