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JohnP's version of Tractor Spotting......


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I know it sounds daft, but to keep me amused when I'm driving I spot & count tractors and this time of year, combines ! (It usually ends up as a battle between left & right)

So, on the way to the Air Tattoo at Fairford on Friday afternoon (M62-M18-M1-M69-A46-A429 to Stowe on the Wold and cut across the back cotswolds lanes to the airfield) I thought I'd also get some pictures..

First stop was at Wellesbourne airfield to water the hedge...and luckily catch these...



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Thecountryside varies quite a bit from the flat lands around the Humber, starting to "roll" in Leicestershire, then the more senic in the Cotswolds - all glorious in really fine weather. but in 200miles, I only saw 13 Tractors (working) and 5 Combines - really very few, considering the area I covered ? A mixture of Fords with trailers, a Renault mowing, an MF cultivating, another baling and mostly Class or NH Combines. All pretty difficult to photograph from the Motorways !

Bibury as usual was very quaint, and I did notice on driving through a freshly-painted MF35 in a childrens playground



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By this time I was quite late to get in to the airfield to setup my "stand".

The Army are really stretched at the moment and they don't have al ot of kit at home - I was hoping to have agood look at a Combat Engineering tractor and all I could find was this REME JCB !


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a couple more...

the welesbourne lot are owned by a man called robert littler   nice bloke    know him well

they own the airfield

his brother mick used to be a mobile mechanic but now he manages the airfield

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Thecountryside varies quite a bit from the flat lands around the Humber, starting to "roll" in Leicestershire, then the more senic in the Cotswolds - all glorious in really fine weather. but in 200miles, I only saw 13 Tractors (working) and 5 Combines - really very few, considering the area I covered ? A mixture of Fords with trailers, a Renault mowing, an MF cultivating, another baling and mostly Class or NH Combines. All pretty difficult to photograph from the Motorways !

Bibury as usual was very quaint, and I did notice on driving through a freshly-painted MF35 in a childrens playground

good trout farm at bibury   and just down the road is the cotswald wilde life park

welcome to my area    nice round here ;D

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Hi Smurf

I've been down that way with the missus (stay in "The Volunteer" in Chipping Cambden or with friends in Shipton-under-Wychwood) to do the airshow and have a scenic weekend - yes, really pretty

Back to the plot...even next day on the NYorks Moors, there wasn't a lot to be seen

A Class Dominator combining was too close to the hedge, while his trailer waited more patiently than the crew in my car ! And they all objected when I stopped later for this NH so didn't dare have another stop to pick up the Fords+ marshall trailers !!!



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That MF 700 trailer is great for corn but if you put 12 ron silage sides on it, they are the most unstable trailer I have came across. Our local AG-con took the sides off, cut them down to size and put them on a 10 ton Marston because it kept rolling on hills.

Lovely pics John, and Boootiful countryside  ;D

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Yes cracking pics John P.... many thanks... and as for that late model 760... what a gem of a machine... probably about 1985 I would reckon.... and still going strong as well  :-*:-*

Must have put a Ford engine in it judging by the smoke  :D :D

Is there a V8 Perkins in them??

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Thanks guys...

completely off-topic I know but for BGU here's a couple from RIAT (I'll e-mail you some more) - I nearly missed this years for the first time since 1974, except for a chance meeting and get the opportunity to go with work !



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Bit late getting here (due to FB and markys daily BS I have to read though)

I love the combine pictures realy coool.I might sound silly but them plains are a bit close to a stubble paddock at harvest arn't they or is ok for em to be there??  :) :)

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It was Turkish

the Greeks, Germans, S.Koreans, Japanese, Israelis (very few now) still fly them also  USAF&USN as targets.

On a slightly more entertaing note, I did miss this.....

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