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started on my farm today at last

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need some help choose a name for it though its going to be set in the uk but as you know im living in the states now

from chester uk really

cant think of a farm name so plz help me if you would  i will take some photos at a later date

thx guys


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Emmerdale farm

Silverdale farm

Windermere farm

Willow brook farm

Woodchester farm

Winfield farm

Long view farm ...all nice names I think.

I've always called my carpet with models on it "doubleoaks" and if I don't find some new land for my root crops the palce will be know as "nemitode central"  :D :D

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There aint nothing religious about the girls who star in Hollyoaks though Ol. That said. . . . .Deere-est does worship them. . . . Phwooooar!!! How about Dew Pond Farm, or are they something only associated with Wiltshire and surrounding counties?

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did a little more on hollyoak farm tonight not a  lot but let me know what you think

just a little corner a piece of hedge will be on the left of this little field

made  from strip of mdf coverd in woodland scenics ground cover the white is the glue that is still wet but it dries to a mat clear

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dont worry mate i had no idea what i was going to do but im just kind of doing it as i go along with all the great help from the guys on here we can make things happen

im just doing the fields and stuf for now before i try my hand at biulding some sheds

think the first thing will be the silage pit kind of easy to start with

just jump in with both feet youl love it once you start


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The more i see all these great displays the more i would like to do one but its just knowing where and how to start and im not sure i would even have the skill but keep up the good work anyway looks great :) :)

i know what you mean ,isee all these on here and think if i did one it would turn out as a proper pig,s ear
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