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At work with Martin (NH2)


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Thats a smart tractor and trailer you have at work mate,looks well.

All going well you'll have a model 3095 in the future. :)

Thanks Ol, a model 3095 would make me a happy lad...... ;) ;)

so is that you on the forfar by pass then. its not the easiest road to cross car drivers don't like it when you go into the fast lane to cross over at all.

Indeed Peter it's a nightmare I've already had to go straight past our road end purely because no-one pays attention to indicators......If it wasn't a tractor indicating to change lanes they'd let it across in a matter on seconds...... >:( >:(

mf700 bale trailer to eh mate, is there anything on that farm that's not Massey, you boss is a god in my eyes

Yep, Massey, Massey and more Massey Sean...... ;) ;)

who'd of thought you of all people would end up as a massey driver mart !

just clicked round the site , got some good pics there mate , you doing bens site for him as well then ?  :D

I know Marcus, I think I've been converted...... :o :o

Chers for the comments on the site, beginning to run out of room again...... :D I should maybe donate some pics to Ben to keep his site up-to-date right enough...... ;)

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Hauled my Massey combo through the local town today to get to the hill to collect some bales and got a wave from a nice woman bus driver who obviosuly appreciates that it ain't easy negotiating narrow streets with my Massey and trailer...... :D;)

No no no she was waving to say "look at the side of my car.. you.. you.... menace you!"

;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;)

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No she flashed me first Colm...... :P:D;) ;)

Oooh err! Nice one Mart! ;D

She was waving as you didn't give her right of way Mart :D :D

Now Luke no colour wars but at least Mart and Rich haven't gone to the green side - Valtra is bad enough but JQ :-X :-X


Pwwwrrrttttt  :P :P

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