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At work with Gav


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It wasn't too bad Stephen, not as nice as the Atles though. Spent several hours on a tweaked 8870 in the past as well, my only real criticism of them is that the range changes are in the wrong place for draft work :-\

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It's going to be spring barley, it was winter oats but the rabbits caused total devastation to the 3 fields over the winter so they were subsoiled and now cultivated. The cultivating was done to allow the air into the ground to dry it out, it may not look like it but in other areas of the fields it was so wet that I came very close to needing pulling out, just adds to the fun ;D

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It's going to be spring barley, it was winter oats but the rabbits caused total devastation to the 3 fields over the winter so they were subsoiled and now cultivated. The cultivating was done to allow the air into the ground to dry it out, it may not look like it but in other areas of the fields it was so wet that I came very close to needing pulling out, just adds to the fun ;D

Not those sweet, fluffy, innocent little bunny rabbits? ::) ::):P :P

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Without doubt, the ugliest tractor out there. .. . .. but it's huge so I like it  ;D

Nice to be in the seat no doubt? The 836 I had on grain cart had that same gear lever set up and I must admit I found it very handy too. Brilliant series of tractors Claas have got out there.

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I wonder where will the Atles be when its the Case's age ???

Nice spin there Gav - bet you were glad to get back out in the fields again ;)

same place as 99% of all the current tractors mate, recycled into different things, ,you wont see any as classics in a few years time, to expensive to restor with all the computer stuff in them, and 100% platsic anyway, none are truely built to last no matter what brand

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same place as 99% of all the current tractors mate, recycled into different things, ,you wont see any as classics in a few years time, to expensive to restor with all the computer stuff in them, and 100% platsic anyway, none are truely built to last no matter what brand

Totally agree with you Sean - will be 3000's and 165's outliving T6040's and 7480's :(

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Totally agree with you Sean - will be 3000's and 165's outliving T6040's and 7480's :(

Not sure about that - in 20 yrs time T6040s will be 'very old' technology and probably a seven year old with a bluetooth (or whatever comes next)  phone will able to reprogram them  ;D ;D

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Common practice Murray, encourages plenty of growth when you roll a cereal crop like that, also pushes all the stones in ;)

White wheels  ??? ??? ???

Not its standard wheels Blake, before the 836 he had a Renault 710 which is why the wheels are white ;)

busy boy again eh mate, this still one off days here and there or something a bit more perminante

Odd day here and there mate but could lead to more when he's busy :)

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