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At work with Gav


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A few livestock pictures, first last years heifers, the whole herd is due to start calving about mid-late Feb.



The rest of the cows



The remainder of last years calves that haven't gone onto the kale yet


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that tractor needs a wash, that or burning :D :D when are you palnning to start spud planting then mate?

I'll wash it when I aren't messing about in the mud :D

No idea on the planting yet, will depend how the spring shapes up weather wise, also got a lot of spring barley and sugarbeet to drill first

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them bulls look a bit big mate :D :D :D my mate decided to try crossing a field a while back with a big old boy in there like them

scared the do do out of him  :D :D :D :D

quiet  a few people down this way prepping up for spring barley now, laods of ploughing going on ,and discing ect, been pretty dryish of late

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Here's a few pics from today when we finished lifting the last of the sugarbeet, I had my 6920s with aBailey dump trailer on that we borrowed of the contractor who lifts our beet. Pictures were taken with my phone as thats allI had with me :(






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That is great beet harvester. Wasn't it to cold to harvest the sugar beets?


It is a good machine but he's having power problems with the DAF engine at present which he isn't too pleased about as it's brand new this year

It was a bit cold but the boss wanted them out as they should be going into the factory this week

Looks like its realy warm over there gav, im sitting here in shorts and singlet, Love the pics, guessing you are enjoying the job now?

Cheers Nick, its currently 1.7 degrees here outside. Its not a bad job, could be better at times but couldn't all jobs :D

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A few more pictures for you all, again with my phone as didn't know the guys were coming today. The haulage contractor turned up to take in our sugarbeet with one of his Hanomags, a 44D, and the CTM cleaner :)




Thse ones were taken once it got lighter, only 3 lorry fulls in our yard so snapped them before he went off to one of the pads




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Cheers Martin, just annoying that I didn't have my camera with me :( I was once told that he had 9 shovels out in the field during the season, I think one was a Volvo and the rest all Hanomags, that was before he bought his Ropa's though

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Cheers Martin, just annoying that I didn't have my camera with me :( I was once told that he had 9 shovels out in the field during the season, I think one was a Volvo and the rest all Hanomags, that was before he bought his Ropa's though

hes growing well such changes since he made his first appearance with you
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