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At work with Gav


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not good is it, tells you who knows what they are doing and who doesnt, whether its your tractor, or your employies you should look after it, our guy who drove for us, did, things were always imaculate, were at the place he worked for before us to

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The amusing bit is that the guy who drives it complains that he always gets hand me downs and not new tractors, can certainly understand why after going through that today, I'd seen less crap in my old Lexions air filter after a week than I did when I cleaned out that one today :o :o

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  • 2 weeks later...

nice pics gav , strange to see whats effectively quite a big tractor look small & awkward on narrow wheels  :D hoe looks effective , but if yer anything like me , too much of it soon gives you eyestrain  :(

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Sounds like operators have been as harsh on the tractors as the reutation has a times, Gav. Like you said, awkward to show someone in a bad light but what can you do when you take on a tractor which was supposed to have been well looked after.

Hoeing looks like a job you could do some damage with if the machine wandered a bit. Pretty precise looking job you're doing. As for sharing a the cab of a Deere with a dog. ...  sod that! There isn't enough room in there for your own farts!! Is Buster always with you or do you leave him at home sometimes?

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I'm only using that tractor for hoeing Tris then will have mine back, did have a nice trip to the dealers with it last week though, right hand side cab window open though to listen to the exhaust note ;D Hopefully it will be back this next week, getting some new injectors fitted while it is in there, bit of a treat for the old girl :D

Could do a hell of a lot of damage, as Marcus said eye strain certainly does happen, especially when the beet are that small.

Buster is with me 90% of the time, either in the tractor or tied up near where i am working, he gives me the big black bulging sorrowfull eyes look if I try to leave him at home :(::)

Ol, will start hoeing at 7am and keep going all day while they are this size, once they are bigger if it gets too hot I like to stop as it bruises the plants and they can keel over and die :-\

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  • 3 weeks later...

Time for an update I think, for the past week we have been laying out irrigation pipes and have set the irrigators going on the first two fields we planted. We have two Bauer irrigators that are computer controlled, each has a solar panel to keep the battery charged.

The older of the two machines


No hydrant on this field so we had to lay an old irrigator pipe out to a hydrant 300m away, connection valve and flexi hose also in picture


Pulling the gun out across the field, always keep the back window shut when doing this as the gun can and will spray the cab with water :D


Turn the tap on and it should start up........hopefully



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The newer machine


Computer on the machine showing the retraction speed, the current time and the time that the gun should be in, irrigator is pulled right out to its 450m length on that field


Computer on the older machine, bit less information, just gives you how many hours the pull will take and retraction speed


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So I take it by 'pull' you mean the reel winds the irrigator gun back down the field and then you have to go up and move the set up along the headland and repeat the procedure? Do you have a alarm at the farm/farmhouse as to when you need to go and move it all?

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Thats basically it Tris, each time we run the irrigator across the field its termed as a pull, so that 40 acre field has 6 irrigation tramlines so therefore 6 pulls on the field, the irrigator covers a 60-70m width each time. It runs at a pressure of 7.5 bar when they are both going, with only the newer one going this afternoon though its up to 10 bar, 12 bar would be the absolute maximum on our pumping system. If it all goes to plan I can move one and have it going in 30 minutes.........it took 60 minutes this afternoon, it decided to be a pain in the wotsit >:(

No alarm anywhere, just make a note of the time it should be in and get up to it at that time :)

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Feel free to come and have a go with the irrigators, I won't mind, honest.......please ;D:D :D :D::)

Thats one of the things I like about this job, alot of variety to it due to the crops we grow :)

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We have a pump running in an artesian well which feeds an underground pipe network with hydrants on most fields across the farm Sean, just have to lay out 9m aluminium pipes with valves in near every third tramline in each field of potatoes to connect the irrigator to

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with you mate, did wonder if you had someting like that, we used to pull water from the lake round one of the farm houses, was only filled by the ditches round the fields, but it never ran dry ,although we didnt do as much spuds as you, it also filled the sprayer all the time to

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Has to be done with the tractor Ben for a few reasons, you have to straddle two rows of potatoes whilst pulling out the gun so need ground clearance, the irrigator is very heavy to move along the headland too, besides the metalwork weight you have 475m of 4" diameter pipe full of water to carry and you also need a hydraulic supply to lift the anchors on the reel ;)

Will see what I can do picture wise for you ;):)

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nice update Gav, one thing when your pulling the gun out dont you turn the nozzle away from the tractor so it dont spray water over the back window? thats what I use to do when I done irrigation.

Sometimes I do, I don't always worry about it though as they often swing back round again on our machines, just make sure the back windows shut :D :D

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great pics gav, certainly got some water system going there  :)

re; back windows , , ex boss used to tow out with a JD2140 but used to leave it at the end of the rows with the back window open >:(  used to hate towing out the next day  :(  about the only time i needed waterproofs & that was just to sit in the cab  :D :D ::)

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The only drain tap on these reels is on the turbine Ol so thats not really possible, the other problem being that if we drained the reel it would take far too long to build pressure up in the system again meaning that either the reel computer or the pump would need resetting :-\

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