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Shelbourne Renyolds Spreader


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Was using this today to spread 150 tonnes of topsoil on a football pitch,

A good machine although a little slow for soil but does the job! Doesn't get used much these days a few football pitches and a bit of lime spreading now and again.



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Was using this today to spread 150 tonnes of topsoil on a football pitch,

A good machine although a little slow for soil but does the job! Doesn't get used much these days a few football pitches and a bit of lime spreading now and again.

..but why?... is there grass seed mixed in with it or summat?
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maybe a typo? 15 ton would sound about right :-\  nice looking little loader tractors, which do you like best fot r loader work?

NO 150t was what i meant! :o Thats what the owners wanted so thats what they got!

A bit like last week when i was told to put 400kg of grass seed on ONE football pitch using a direct drill, tried to explain that grass seed doesn't grow well when its too thick but deaf ears. So as long as they pay i'll drive up and down all day :D :D :D

..but why?... is there grass seed mixed in with it or summat?

Think the idea was to improve the soil quality as it was pretty poor. They were going to spread some grass seed ontop then harrow it.

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oops i was wrong :-[, must have been like a bare field once you had put 150 ton onto the pitch :o as you say the customer is always right (even thoe there usually wrong ::))

Very true ;D ;D

If you look at the photo of the spreader being loaded you can see how big the heap of soil was by the soil on the tarmac....

Hate to think how much that cost, anyone know what topsoil is per tonne?

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Very true ;D ;D

If you look at the photo of the spreader being loaded you can see how big the heap of soil was by the soil on the tarmac....

Hate to think how much that cost, anyone know what topsoil is per tonne?

Over here its about ?10 a tonne delivered a bit less if you draw yourself - a couple of years ago some builders would be begging you to take it away for them :(

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What causes the grass to go like it has in the bottom left of the second picture ??? Looks very symetrical

It has been direct drilled using a machine called a contravator, made by Charterhouse. It has not been done very well as half the seed tubes were blocked. The machine is simple really, there are pairs of discs in v formation about two inches apart which leave a groove for the seed to drop into. A heavy roller then closes the groove and also is used to meter the seed rate. The machine is a little wider than the tractor.

I must have covered at least 60 pitches in the last few weeks, all in two directions some in three!

I must just say i've done a better job than the picture!!

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what surprises me isn't the ammount of soil to spread or seed to go down , but that yer still on ag tyres  ???

As long as the ground is not too soft and you are careful when turning round the agri tyres don't seem to do any harm... we've had no complaints yet! And thats after a good few years!

Also what you must remember is that these pitches are do not belong to top football clubs, they are either local leagues or council owned.... the type you see marked out in your local park :)

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