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Marky ploughing 22.09.07


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its easy for people to mock at times aint it marky, when they do this sort of thing every year, some of us have to learn the hard way with little help like you eh, really anoyes me when people mock those who try, even if in jest ,at least you had the balls to try mate, more than some have

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Actually... the first bit I did was good.. not sure if I told the story back at the begining... but I'd done a lovely straight furrow... in the same direction of the drilling.. but the plough kept coming out all the time... after about 2 hours I was ready to give up as I just couldn't keep the plough in the ground...

Along comes the farmers son... what are you ploughing it that way for ??? - we always plough it the other way  ::) - HUH... I followed the drill lines buddy I said..

Yeah... dunno why dad drilled it that way...

Go up the other end and try it the other way (at 90 degrees to the way I had ploughed)... so.. in my defence... me lud... I just drove off... no sticks.. nothing to line up with... looking back trying to watch the plough's performance (plus I had broken it by then)

So... you see... I'm not a useless pillock... a hopeless ploughman... a novice who will never stand a chance at learning to plough... worthless...

actually... maybe I am  :-[:D :D :D

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hey  at least you tried eh, like kev, dont see his getting ripped apart do you, ok you dont mind, but hey still dam anoying to see

Oi!! Don't give them ideas about knocking my ploughing!!

I think you are wonderful Marky! :-*

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  • 4 months later...

Fancy Marky selling poor old Fanny 'cos she wouldn't plough straight, too.  :)

:D :D - that's EXACTLY why she had to go John... I used the 'I'm skint' ploy as cover really...

Bloody tractor.. I reckon I had bent diesel in her that day...

As for you Sean... thanks ever so much for dragging this topic up again  >:(:-[ :'( :'( :'( :D :D :D

I'll be looking out for a plough to use on Mavis in the near future... when I've paid Mr IR  >:( :'( :)

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why not plough with frankie, i have just the classic plough to match her ;) and its a massey :P

I should do that Mike actually... at least I have a radio and air-con  :D :D - good thinking that man

i wonder how well Marky would do ploughing snow :D :D :D::)

Not that well... you should have come to Bar Hill on Thursday am... I made a wavy line up the hill with the front bucket  :D :D
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