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Waiting on the results from 2 more Bill - hope and pray they went okay :'(

Then one more course/exam on Excel based work and then one major exam and that is me done apart from waiting for another year due to professionalism issues :)

Glad when its done :D :D

I'm sure it will be worth it in the end Colm.

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I got to vote for the first time today. Now depending upon how it turns out I may have to move to the other side of the pond.  ;D ;D

Do we know what the final score is yet Luke... ??? And I want opinion too! Who are you rooting for ?  ;)

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Do we know what the final score is yet Luke... ??? And I want opinion too! Who are you rooting for ?  ;)

wasnt the result on the news this morning Simon so how have you not heard at 1.45pm ??? ???, or is the American elections more complicated than the ingredients in Si's non-alcholic distillery equipment and they wont know until the last day of the 5th month of the 9 year of this century add on 14 months, take back 2 months and add on 5 hours ::):D :D :D

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Luke read my PM please, and guys I have ask my our North American Model Farmer Staff not to discuss their political agenda on this forum.  I believe as American they can go to TTT if they have a need to discuss their political ideaology.

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Luke read my PM please, and guys I have ask my our North American Model Farmer Staff not to discuss their political agenda on this forum.  I believe as American they can go to TTT if they have a need to discuss their political ideaology.

But surely if we want to know they can say??

And the one i wanted to get it did

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interest rates comming down yet again ,, :o     house is getting cheaper all the time my mortage  will be nearly half what it was soon .  YER  MORE MONEY FOR MODELS YER  :P:D :D :D

[/quThey wont change the prie for about a year though.

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Woohoo, I secured my space for a fairly sizeable layout with no hassle whatsoever....!! ;D

As I mentioned in my TM topic, my boss came round last night for a social and to have a looky at the TM [he's into boy's stuff like I am, building an RC yacht for the last 2 years  ;)] and then he saw my old chap today and it came up in conversation....

I saw Dad this evening when I took the kids up for a bonfire and told him I was going to have to earmark some space in a barn for a layout - all our old brick barns have been fairly well rennovated, concrete floors, windows, lights and power etc. He has apparently been thinking he wants to reinstate my old train layout he built me when I was a kid for George and he was thinking we should clear out the new loft next to the house and build them both up in there.. Result!!

So when I eventually get round to it, the layout now has a nice - vast - new home....  ;)

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:D :D :D :D :D

I had to read that a couple of times!!!

:D :D :D :D :D

.....which was nice...

You are one very strange young man Fry.... ::):D :D

Tell you what though buddy.... it's a cracker of a space, you'll get a massive hobbit semi for it.... ;)

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