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quoting for a job for 2 people all day and it only taking a hour and a half and the customer paying the quote price i even bought the price down to half a day but they said no and paided full price.

wish more people were like that :D

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Well had job interview last sunday night which I felt went really well having got on with both son and father of a 2500 acre farm/farm contract place. With them looking to take on someone my age as only employed bloke on farm with them going to train me all aspects spraying drilling and combining and other machine operation.  Then in running the farm being trained up to foreman and manager level.  With them wanting someone to trust and become part team and being in charge of spraying and then rest helping on farm etc (already got pa tickets just need experience).  And then today had letter offering it to me and Im for sure not gonna turn it down as perfect for me to help progress my career so letter is being sent tomo ;D ;D ;D

Pingu is moving to essex :D :D :D

So. . . If they are only lookong for one person. ..  what will you be doing?!  :D :D :D Only joking Phil, get on in there and lap it up to the full mate. Well done.

For me. ..  this  :)


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Cheers tris definatly gonna make the most of this opertunity as whole farm looks very well run with all kit being recent GPS etc so cant wait till june get started. Well already asked if got any work for easter time to start learning the ropes ;D ;D ;D

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