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What phone  you got tris? I've got a Nokia N95 that i had to completly reformt ths week and lost everything wasnt best pleased?

Same mate, I have it all backed up on the laptop though. Good job I did it at Christmas when I tried it before because I forgot this time and it wiepd it all clean  ::)

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M&S I think Jo, it's not just a tractor. . .. it's and M&S Chocolate Timmy Tractor!  ;):D

I't yummy too. The front left wheel has gone as has the exhaust  :P:)

I have got to get one for Cerin!

I have just thought of a new topic for the forum - birthday cakes! Since Cerin was 2 years old I have made him some kind of home made tractor cake (although one year I remember he got into road works and we had a road works cake!) even our Christmas cakes have tractors on with tyre tracks in the icing.

This damn strange hobby extends into all parts of your life!

The only problem is I don't know how to import the photos but I am sure I could learn - what do you think of it as a topic?

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I have just thought of a new topic for the forum - birthday cakes! Since Cerin was 2 years old I have made him some kind of home made tractor cake (although one year I remember he got into road works and we had a road works cake!) even our Christmas cakes have tractors on with tyre tracks in the icing.

This damn strange hobby extends into all parts of your life!

The only problem is I don't know how to import the photos but I am sure I could learn - what do you think of it as a topic?

Go for it Jo.  Would love to see these cakes.  Uploading photos is easy it is the birthday cakes I would find difficult!  Are you open for commissions?  Andy could put a special section in the Classifieds - "Custom Cakes"

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Now lets keep calm - my cakes are of the amateur nature! With my busy life I don't think I could manage commissions.

I will try and dig out the photos over the weekend to start the topic.

You lot are completely insane - how can anyone admit to doing a CONVERSION of a chocolate tractor birthday cake (Marky) - what on earth did you convert it to? a slurry pit?

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Now lets keep calm - my cakes are of the amateur nature! With my busy life I don't think I could manage commissions.

I will try and dig out the photos over the weekend to start the topic.

You lot are completely insane - how can anyone admit to doing a CONVERSION of a chocolate tractor birthday cake (Marky) - what on earth did you convert it to? a slurry pit?

Chocolate conversions are easy Jo, you simply bite off bits.  I bet Marky ate the wheels first.

You are correct - we are ALL completely insane...

... and LOVING it.

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That's so lovely - where did she buy it from?

what does it say on the box ;) ;) ;) ;) :D :D :D :D

i think Harry gurgled n....ump uuuuuuuugh ty :D :D :D::)

anyway for me, Harry slept a bit better the last two nights......he's on here with me now :D :D :D

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that took hours of planning Addy... I had it CAD drawn first.... then a mock up done on photoshop....

I'm not one to brag normally... but you can cleary see the effort I put into it mate  ;) - I may even enter this in the scratch build competition... as long as they keep it away from hot lamps and things  :o:D :D

That is impressive Marky - particuarly the attention to scale. Anyone looking at that could be forgiven for thinking it's a genuine MF. Well done.

Thanks Jo... your kind words mean a lot... I do agree... the front badge does blend well with the lines of the bonnet... not to mention the almost perfect bourbel beacon (which... and I'm giving away a trade secret here...) was really a bouncy ball.... no really.... it really was..

And just a warning to some of you... not naming names... PDC. Sean Pullover, Dave Perdue, Brian Norman, Martyn Reeve etc... if I so much a see one bouncy ball beacon turn up on your work I will have no hesitation in litigation  >:(

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