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Need a lot of those to make a winter coat, John.

Rarely see stoats here although about 10 years ago I watched one mesmerising a rabbit by a garden gate.  Both were so entranced they never saw me and my dogs passing a yard away.  See more weasels and once had one dong somersaults and flips on my back patio for about half an hour.  Now he would have won any gymnastics competition. 

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Great  ::)>:( - I just paid some of mine  :'( :'( - so that's where it went... any chance of a little bit back... buddy... old pal  :-*???;D

Wish I could marky but the money is currently safe in the Bank as I am not sure how much I will get from my job at the end of the month as I am on emergency Tax >:( >:( but then again will get that back ;D

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A mate if mine who is a rep for a plant hire company near Bristol is changing jobs. The drop in demand for plant machinery has bee felt hard round his way and with a wife, nipper and mortgage it isn't funny anymore. He will be joining a large contracting/farming/cheese making company as an assistant to the manager. I'm pleased for him because like me, farming has always been in his blood and he will love getting back to it even if it is mainly cutomer liasing based. He'll get plenty of relief work on the machinery (Jag 900x2 and 820x1 to name some of it!!).

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I fitted a new Mirror to Mavis today... I've had the arm on it for a while... but I finally got an MF590 mirror (new version.. MF 10+ part I assume) on her today  ;D

Now I can see how long the queue is behind me  ;D:-[

Big Whoop......any other news that might be relevent to current events in the world.... :D :D :D :D :D :D

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