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Not a numpty at all Kev... he's both... he had his own stretch of "Beach" - in the real world he would live under a rock on the edge of a river... he's an air breather... but he has to keep his lungs wet if you see what I mean..

Mandy... he's in poor shape at the moment... he's got his "old clothes" on... Forgive me if you all know... but to keep growing, crabs have to come out of their shell every few months - quite some feat of engineering really... She (yes Christopher is a she) will soon start to starve herself... and then one day (when nobody is looking).. she'll simply step out of the back of her shell - then she'll be bright blue and soft... so she'll go into hiding for a few days while she hardens off.

Amazing creatures.... Some scientists reckon if they ever find advanced alien life it will be in the shape of a crab... they are one of the only creatures to inhabit every area of the world... they can be found in the coldest of climates (with anti-freeze for blood !) and the hottest desserts (with groved shells to collect the morning dew)

My god... I am sooooooo boring  :-[:D :D :D

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Not a numpty at all Kev... he's both... he had his own stretch of "Beach" - in the real world he would live under a rock on the edge of a river... he's an air breather... but he has to keep his lungs wet if you see what I mean..

Mandy... he's in poor shape at the moment... he's got his "old clothes" on... Forgive me if you all know... but to keep growing, crabs have to come out of their shell every few months - quite some feat of engineering really... She (yes Christopher is a she) will soon start to starve herself... and then one day (when nobody is looking).. she'll simply step out of the back of her shell - then she'll be bright blue and soft... so she'll go into hiding for a few days while she hardens off.

Amazing creatures.... Some scientists reckon if they ever find advanced alien life it will be in the shape of a crab... they are one of the only creatures to inhabit every area of the world... they can be found in the coldest of climates (with anti-freeze for blood !) and the hottest desserts (with groved shells to collect the morning dew)

My god... I am sooooooo boring  :-[:D :D :D

No fascinating... and you're never boring darling :-*:-* :-*:-*

Presumbly it's really difficult to sex crabs then :-\ When did you discover she was a girlie ???

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No it's not boring. I think it is amazing!

Is She difficult to look after?

Not really Kev... she eats fruit... and any flies we catch in the summer  :D :D

No fascinating... and you're never boring darling :-*:-* :-*:-*

Presumbly it's really difficult to sex crabs then :-\ When did you discover she was a girlie ???

Nope... its easy with a rainbow crab... they have a different shaped "sump plate" for want of a better expression...

Plus she's always on the phone.... or doing her lippy... and when you come in late she sits with her legs folded and turns her back on you... sometimes she won't speak to me for a week  :o:D :D ;)

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Not really Kev... she eats fruit... and any flies we catch in the summer  :D :D

Nope... its easy with a rainbow crab... they have a different shaped "sump plate" for want of a better expression...

Plus she's always on the phone.... or doing her lippy... and when you come in late she sits with her legs folded and turns her back on you... sometimes she won't speak to me for a week  :o:D :D ;)

Erm... so why did you call her Christopher then ???

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