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What really PLEASED you?

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 Well as i pass the gate to the yard of my local tesco here at Goole -  there s a  Eddie Stobart truck waiting to going to shops  store yard back of shop   - theres only room for 1 at a time  so they sit outside gate but in  still main car park -- i could hear all this shoutting    "Stop  " Stop "  Stop  so i turned to see what going on well theres a new  white 62 plate BMW been drive by a very nice  lady -- only trying to back out of her parking space but the car was just about  to go under the hgv  there was no room for a mini never mind this big car --   I did t pleased me greatly i must say ::)  ::)  ::)

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Hi all just checking in on here, catching up on the recent developments... apparently we are now  the "Fairy Tale Forum"!
so to enter into the spirit of things then, I won the euro millions, was elected king of France and lost my left arm fighting a wild badger. I bet you've all missed me...anyone?!
Now, down to why I'm actually really pleased, had a decent weekend betting on the football, (Wigan to beat Man city, and a 6 team accumulator, tidy) got another 12month contract at work (hurrah!), finished my NVQ in business, (finally!) and applied for a new job in work. Meanwhile Steph and I are awaiting a management company decision as to whether we can get a dog (cross fingers please), and I'm thinking about replacing the car. fancy something older, second hand, quirky... possibly room for a dog! So as i enjoy spending as much time on autotrader as possible this has pleased me greatly! 

Edited by AlexMF
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wild badger eh alex, any pics??? :laugh:  :laugh: :laugh:  :laugh:  :laugh:  good news on the job front, another year safe i guess 


yes here you are! I believe that qualifies as proof now-a-days

another 12 months and i'll be permanent, (pity the employer to be honest...) 

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nice dig at the fairy tales

yes here you are! I believe that qualifies as proof now-a-days

another 12 months and i'll be permanent, (pity the employer to be honest...) 

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On the car front, series landy? Older, room for a dog and quirky

series 3, subaru forester, jeep grand cherokee... anything with room for a dog, comfy on the potholes/ speed bumps under 100k on the clock and under £3k to buy, under £300 to tax and under £1000 to insure.... 

i have just negotiated myself a samsung galaxy s4!! i'm a very pleased kind of guy at the moment!

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What pleased me today, well finding out that everything going well with my wee boy, and finding out that no matter what I do, I can bring a smile to people's face through my stupidity

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What pleased me today, well finding out that everything going well with my wee boy, and finding out that no matter what I do, I can bring a smile to people's face through my stupidity

only teasing mate... well done for coming clean, or cleaner anyway 

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Wild bashers, Alex? I know the nightclubs can be rough up your way but I've never heard that to describe the clientele!! :lol: better than turning the light on and waking her up I suppose :lol:

Well, house coming together and due for being marketed on Saturday I think. No word back from sellers on our revised offer but there is no rush as our new mortgage kicks off beginning of July so a delay at this stage won't hurt as long as come the time to sell, it goes without haste.

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Wild bashers, Alex? I know the nightclubs can be rough up your way but I've never heard that to describe the clientele!! :ha ha!: better than turning the light on and waking her up I suppose :ha ha!:

Well, house coming together and due for being marketed on Saturday I think. No word back from sellers on our revised offer but there is no rush as our new mortgage kicks off beginning of July so a delay at this stage won't hurt as long as come the time to sell, it goes without haste.

bashers? been on the cider me ode? 


sorry alex, that looks like a german arm to  me :laugh:  :laugh: :laugh:  :laugh: scooby forester eh, not seen one of them for a while now, used to be very popular this way for farmers wifes etc 

to be honest i think the scooby is edging it, more economical than the cherokee (prefer the look of the cherokee though in 1998 model). more reliable than the series 3, (as much as i want one).... something FSH and one careful mrs farmer giles owner would do me probably unless there are any other suggestions...?

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A Massey man that gets a dog............bloody marky mk II you'll be Alex.


marky's not got a dog, I've seen what he's got on the nature channel, it's a bloody polar bear!

Tadaaa!!!! Scroll down....




thanks trissle, we are looking at rspca/dogs trust :) people are annoying on that page "rehoming as i'm not allowed dogs" well perhaps they should have checked before getting a dog?! 

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The up-beat mood of me old boy tonight on the phone,full of cancer,with a broken back and a hart attack this week to boot and he's happy as a sand boy going on about driving a MF 1100 on the hills in his younger days.

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