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best team in the world mate ;)

oh deere oh deere, used to go occassionaly at the end of the season when i was younger, if my grandad couldnt make it due to harvest, my nan and him had season tickets for the pinoneer stand when it opened, met sir bobby on a number of times to

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oh deere oh deere, used to go occassionaly at the end of the season when i was younger, if my grandad couldnt make it due to harvest, my nan and him had season tickets for the pinoneer stand when it opened, met sir bobby on a number of times to

use to go every week when I lived down that way, John Walk bought me a pint once

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do you remember the incident when bobby left the england job down to an affair?????? it was the bird from the farm opp, apparently he ran naked acroos our fields to get away from her hubby, if my nan had seen him he would have been locked in the clear and never seen again  :D :D

first place i ever saw my beloved liverpool play,in the 1st division, dalglesh ect the true classis liverpool team

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do you remember the incident when bobby left the england job down to an affair?????? it was the bird from the farm opp, apparently he ran naked acroos our fields to get away from her hubby, if my nan had seen him he would have been locked in the clear and never seen again  :D :D

first place i ever saw my beloved liverpool play,in the 1st division, dalglesh ect the true classis liverpool team

:D :D :D  the good old days, well at least we can boost that we've never lost a home game when playing in any europeen games ;)

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