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Yesterday i begon a new project

The model is based on the MF8280 from siku Cab and rear fenders are from the MF5455 from siku the bonnet is under construction but this is how far i came!

Must polish the bonet because now it is standing in plasticpudy!

here are some pics of the bonnet.



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looks a bit big but they are like that well done :)

well the thing is this mate

I had to make the bonnet a litle bit higher than the one from the 8280 because the cab of the 5455 has the horizental pin a litlebit higher!

I am going to try to cut something off from the chassis that the bonnet lowers a litle bit!


If I were you I would abandon it being a 7495 as its based on the larger 8000 platform and already looks wrong!!!  Why not wait a few weeks for Agritechnica show ;) firstly MF intend too launch new high horsepower tractors so perhaps your conversion could be one of these models? And secondly like a few of the other lads on this site I think we are going too see lots of impressive new 1/32 models released at the show :D perhaps a new MF ::)  lets hope so :)


If I were you I would abandon it being a 7495 as its based on the larger 8000 platform and already looks wrong!!!  Why not wait a few weeks for Agritechnica show ;) firstly MF intend too launch new high horsepower tractors so perhaps your conversion could be one of these models? And secondly like a few of the other lads on this site I think we are going too see lots of impressive new 1/32 models released at the show :D perhaps a new MF ::)  lets hope so :)

              That's a bit harsh Bluegreen, not very encouraging. Johny has used the 8200 chassis . One suggestion would be to keep the 8280 floorpan and cab, just change the cab roof for the 5400 roof, but you will then need to modify the back lights, however, you will have the wider fenders.


Well done again Johny, its great to see you tackling another impressive project! Keep up the good work!


Yes indeed... well done Johnny for tackling this one mate...

I look forward to seeing this one progress.... I reckon it will look a whole lot different before you have finished it... especially with some paint on it buddy  ;)

Get on with it then  :o:D :D


Looks OK to me Johnny, maybe a bit high but Conversions are very rarely as accurate as the real thing,  I'll be keeping an eye on the progress of this model.  ;)


Thank you guy's (also for the critisism)

The thing is this my friends i did a lot of work on the model and i always thougd the MF8280 from siku where to smal from siku!

If you look on the forum latest conversions Jan Jaap Bol had made the same kind of model on this chassis only his one is a 6490 or something!

What did i do last night on the model: cut something of the chassis that the bonnet is standing much lower on the chassis!

The proportions are now much better!

I take a look of posting some pics tonight because now i am working on the rear fenders that the have a the extentions on the sides!

My regards Johny MF


That's looking better Johnny.  ;)

deff looks better second time round mate, like the look of the bonnet to mate,

Thanks guy's but you must see it tonight because i painted the bonnet !

My mother in law say's that the paintwork even looks better than the siku Bonnet! ;D

Shall look to put the pics on as soon as posible!


Just take the rear fenders out off the shed

The paint need to hard out so i don't dare to push the bonnet and the cab good on the chassis!So everything is standing lose on the chassis!

I was qurius how it looked!

Now i need to paint the black pieces of the rear fender and i removed the steering pin of the cab!

The hole in the cab roof is now filled whit plastic puty

Hope the model is now better than the most guy's expected and the proportions are much better now ??? 




dam thats good, looks so much better with the paint on, easier to see the shapes ect

thanks sean

this was a one weekend project (exept the decals and two warning lights i must order!)

I spent about 40 hours on it now started friday evening begon saturday early in the morning till last night 3 o clock!

And started today again about 10 o clock till now!

My girlfriend asked me if i went insane!!!! :-[:-[


Well... you may be insane.... and you probably wear clogs... but hec... you make a wicked model Johnny baby... that looks well smart mate... well done you..

Yep... IK HOU... are... you know the rest  ;);D

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