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Thanks for that,i've seen Towse Trading on ebay.I think I saw a add for Agrium in one of the tractor magazines is their stuff as good as it looks in the pictures, I know I am quite critical when it comes to my models,I don't mind paying good money I just get really upset when models arrive and there let down by poor paint work or decals that don't look realistic.

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Ebay is a good start and gives you a wide audience, the rest will come naturally and without much effort once you build up a good reputation and as word spreads as I and a lot of other people have found.  :)

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Ebay depends on who is online lookin for a model during the time it is listed, A webpage is up 24/7 so item up for longer and has no strict deadlines, better chance of selling, cheaper in the long run too.

Heres a couple of mine precisiontoyfarmer



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