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Heidi-cat is now coming out of her shell.  You can see how thin she is in the full length photo and she is now less thin than she was on Monday!  She will be staying with me for 5 weeks and then will go to her new home where I know she will be spoiled rotten!





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white cat called Mitzi and big orange one called FUZZ

How did she get her name? My Mum has been known as Mitzy all her life even though her name is Susan!!

Lovely cats of late, Heidi certainly looks happy where she is Sue. Can't she be used as bait to train the dogs NOT to chase her?  :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

As for Phils Dotty. . .. what a rascal!!! I do hope I get to add to this topic in October  :) :)

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Ladies & Gents... boys & girls.... meet Patrick...


As some of you know, I lost my best friend of 11 years a short while ago... and the old house has felt empty since then... NOBODY is pleased to see me when I get home and the house is looking too tidy for my liking..

We went to see Patrick and his brothers and sisters today and Mrs F fell deeply in love within seconds  ::)

We collect him next week... and it can't come soon enough for me I must say  ;D


Sorry about the images... done on my iphone and not a real camera  :-[

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I can't stand the house without a dog mate... been too long now really... nothing will replace Alfrid.... but I suspect Patrick will be spoilt rotten as well  :-\ :D :D

Yes he's a Doberman pup mate... we've met mum today who is georgeous... and uncle who is a working dog and is huuuuuuge  :of

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Note the tail which has not been docked too, I think this will be the first Doberman I have seen since the law changed about docked tails. Delivered a tractor a week or so ago to a couple who had Rotties with full tails and they did look nice I think.

He has a right spark in his eye, Mark. I reckon there are going to be a main few years of joy ahead with this little fella  :) :)

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Thanks Tris... I didn't realise the reason they docked their tales until this week......

evidently... if you get a soppy guard dog... you don't want to let the 'would-be' tealeaves to see it wagging it's tail - makes sense I suppose  :-\ :D :D :D

According to my research to date... they make great family pets - I can't wait to get him home and settled

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I agree that a house is empty without a dog and I just love the name - Patrick!  Totally different but then he is obviously going to be a special dog!

Thanks Aunty Sue.. I think he was named after 'Patrick Star' from SpongeBob Square pants  ::):D :D :D

Look forward to meeting Patrick, Mark  :) :)

Thanks Tris... how long until you and Tracey have a new (canine) addition to your family mate ???

must say tris thats the first doberman i have seen with a long tail to, sort of weird looking like it??? saw a weinmarner with a long tail the other day and that was the same, looked a bit weird

Right... that's it... I'll tell him you called him weird when he grows up to be a hoooooooge dog  >:(:D :D

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October all being well boss. :) The dam should be in pup now and we'll go and see both parent dogs in August. The breeder likes you to visit as many times as you want to right up to the day you take the pup away. She really likes the pup to be familiar with you, your voice, smell and so on. She's a fab woman.

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October all being well boss. :) The dam should be in pup now and we'll go and see both parent dogs in August. The breeder likes you to visit as many times as you want to right up to the day you take the pup away. She really likes the pup to be familiar with you, your voice, smell and so on. She's a fab woman.

Brilliant mate.... I think that's a vital point as well... although... we will only visit once sadly... the chap is in Gt.Yarmouth which is a fair old trek from here really... much as I'd like to go daily I must say  :-[;D

We did have to fill in a questionnaire and face an 'interview' though... which I thought was a nice touch and showed the breeders commitment to the dogs ongoing welfare. He was telling me that he's refused people in the past that have kids under 5 years of age, or live in a block of flats etc. - Its a big old responsibility having a dog (or dogs) which I think some people can't always see - then it's often too late I suppose  :'(

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aaaaaaaaaaarrrhh!!!!  ;D ;D ;D

i know that emptiness feeling Mark, its never nice to experience it, when our Spaniel died, 2 weeks later we had two springers....then 3.....then 4, quickly 5........6 now my mum and dad have stopped at 7 :of :of :of :of

I can see you and him (named after a pink starfish i assume!!!?? ;) ) in Hattie already!!

need to meet up!, Harry would love him! ;);D ;D ;D ;D

p.s i wont show Julie this topic yet!

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I can't stand the house without a dog mate... been too long now really... nothing will replace Alfrid.... but I suspect Patrick will be spoilt rotten as well  :-\ :D :D

Yes he's a Doberman pup mate... we've met mum today who is georgeous... and uncle who is a working dog and is huuuuuuge  :of

Gorgeous Lord F... and one of my fave breeds. They have one down the road, who sits on the porch and guards the house... but he's soft as putty actually. His owner ties him up outside Asda while she does her shopping and he's an absolute paragon of good behavior :)  If I tried to tie Lucy up she'd have untied the knot, slipped into the store and have her nose firmly entrenched in the food shelves in seconds ::)

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Gorgeous Lord F... and one of my fave breeds. They have one down the road, who sits on the porch and guards the house... but he's soft as putty actually. His owner ties him up outside Asda while she does her shopping and he's an absolute paragon of good behavior :)  If I tried to tie Lucy up she'd have untied the knot, slipped into the store and have her nose firmly entrenched in the food shelves in seconds ::)

You should have called her Houdina!

Many breeds have bad reputations which are totally undeserved; German Shepherd, Doberman, Rottweiler to name a few.  As a world renowned dog trainer once said "temperament is 20% breeding and 80% upbringing". 

My GSD was an angel and I could tie him up anywhere without worries. 

In Boscastle with my cousin and her baby daughter there were times when we could not take the stroller into a shop so we left baby and stroller parked outside with Reb sitting alongside (LOOMING alongside would be more appropriate).  He was more than happy to be the babysitter and smiled at everyone passing.  (A German Shepherd does smile - mouth open and a yard tongue draped over one side).  Nobody went within a yard of the baby but plenty of people stopped to smile back and a few put their heads into the shop to comment on the "nanny".

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patrick is very cute! i suspect he won't be when he's fully grown...

just to add to the ever knowledgable aunty Sue's point about upbringing being vital in behaviour, in Liverpool my house mate has a staffy cross rottweiler, Roxy. She's lovely, very intelligent, and gentle once she knows who you are, not keen on visitors or squirrels, and i'd hate to be a burglar in our house...but considering she was rescued from a carboard box in a garage belonging to a friend of a friend of a friend of a bloke who ran a dodgy car dealership cat's mother's auntie, as a tiny puppy who was going to train her to be a fighting dog the contrast is night and day to how she could be. her presence at my side  means the scary scousers avoid me when i'm walking about.. i'll see if i can get a picture off my phone!

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patrick is very cute! i suspect he won't be when he's fully grown...

just to add to the ever knowledgable aunty Sue's point about upbringing being vital in behaviour, in Liverpool my house mate has a staffy cross rottweiler, Roxy. She's lovely, very intelligent, and gentle once she knows who you are, not keen on visitors or squirrels, and i'd hate to be a burglar in our house...but considering she was rescued from a carboard box in a garage belonging to a friend of a friend of a friend of a bloke who ran a dodgy car dealership cat's mother's auntie, as a tiny puppy who was going to train her to be a fighting dog the contrast is night and day to how she could be. her presence at my side  means the scary scousers avoid me when i'm walking about.. i'll see if i can get a picture off my phone!

Lovely story about the Staffy cross, Alex.

I lived in South East London (Cops with Cameras cover the area) and with my 9 stone  Shepherd NOBODY  walked behind me - they always crossed to the other side of the road.  My dog would turn around and walk backwards to keep and eyes on them if they didn't! :police:

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  • 1 month later...

Oh no mate... I was planning on meeting up for dog walking sessions  :D :D :D  ... mind you, in all seriousness she's right I am sure.. I've spent more ofthe last 6 weeks in my garden than in the house I think... I donm't know what we'd have done if it was cold or wet  :of :'(

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