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;D ;D ;D .... no thankfully..... I am pleased to say he's even stopped humping me in front of everyone now too... it was just for 'general achievement' mate I think.... well chuffed... I've never been one for achieving awards in my life... I never stick at anything long enough usually :-[;D


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Brilliant. .. .. Guess who had the best dog. ... Yep, the other chap! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

No, Zia was superb. We have been doing commands at home for over a week now so telling her to sit was a doddle. She already does that, comes to heel and stops doing anything when we say No. One chap had a smashing sable dog pup, huge while only 10wks same as Zia. What a thug of a dog though. Started playfully and then went a bit phsyco.... which surprisingly enough did not scare our little Zia!! The chaps owner said "Oh, that's just him being dominant" .. .. sounds like a long road to knowwhere for him and his pup. One couple who came just to view the pups even said of all of them, oours would be their preferred choice. We were so pleased with her...

Then we came home and she went for the rabbits ::)>:D

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;D ;D ;D .. brilliant... good old.. er.. young Zia... bless her... sounds like she's getting some good training in already mate.. fair play to you.. starting now makes for a good well rounded, happy, content dog in the long run. Can't be fun to be told off every day when you get to adulthood... worse stilll ... not to be taken anywhere.

I'm sure the rabbits will get over it......

or failing that... taste good in a pie :-[;D ;D O0

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Mmmmmmm plenty of fat on'em!! They actually tolerate her being around but like to have their distance. I think like a fox that isn't on the prowl, they now Zia is no danger. Trouble is, everything is a play thing to her..... including Smokey and Griffin much to their displeasure!

She has had her jabs now so will be being walked later in the week. We put her collar and lead on for the first time today, no bother at all. She takes everything in her stride quite well. Although I have to admit, my nose fell victim to her front teeth last night. ... talk about watery eyes and bloody tissues!! My own fault for playing to rough and too close though, I can only blame myself for putting her in the situation to go for me even if it was in a playful manner. We're learning as much as she is and most of the mistakes she makes (at the tender age she is) is due to mistakes we have made beforehand.

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I have bad memories of Buster's puppy teeth as well, he managed to cut open my face just above my right eyebrow and puncture my cheek just below my right eye with his bottom fangs at the same time, I'd accidently made him jump! He also managed to eat half the right trainer of a brand new pair of Nike's......3 years on and he'll still eat anything given the chance but my footwear is now safe!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thank you so much, Sue and Mark. Her ears tend to stand upright for a few days, then they must grow agian and become too heavy as one will drop, then the other. A few more days and they are both stood up again :D She is now up to 5.8kgs and going by her sudden acceleration in eating, it seems a growth spurt is on. She'll be three months next Friday so it has come at about the expected time which is pleasing. Puppy class again today, we missed last week so it will be interesting to how Zia and her siblings have advanced.

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Teething? I knew it was normal but had never heard a reason as to why, other than guess works surrounding muscle growth and so on. Thanks for that, :) If Herr ears are stood up and my hands are still a mid meal snack, we'll be having words mind!! :D :D

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It is normal for GSD ears to ***** and flop while they are growin - it is muscle and gristle NOT teething. She has to learn to control those ears. At birth she would have had floppy ears (GSD pups look nothing like the adult dog in the early weeks even the nose is shorter!)

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  • 1 month later...

Not sure why Trissy... but it's proven that they do get misshapen ears during teething... must be muscle I guess... Partick had one ear up... one ear down... then they swapped sides for a while... quite funny really... not sure if it's just German breeds or all dogs in general mate.

Anyway.. Patrick last week... boy has he grown recently... he can now stand on his back legs and kiss my face with ease :of ... usually just after he's cleaned his 'private parts' ... part actually I should say... the 'giggleberries hath gone' :-[ :'(



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