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Exel centre TOY FAIR who's going?


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dunno exactly when it is (some time in jan i think)

but diddnt marky and some others

go to this  last year and took photos of the RC2's

"new" ford 5000 and 7000 tractor

anyway I wonder if we will see anymore classics(no countys)from RC2

premiered at this years show or will it be too early do you think  :)

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yeah i went last time, and the time before with Sir Fergie....saw how poor the RC2 models were....and they they got released ::)

i think Marky will be going again, not sure i will as i have no leave really with job....unless i'm ill :D :D, i think the Gavsters is going??

dont worry there will be loads of pics! ;D ;D

Its actually at the eXcel centre, http://www.toyfair.co.uk/, where did you get EC from??

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Yes indeedy... I will be going... and taking my usual 3000 pics to bore the pants off you all with.... as Ben said... it's at the Excel centre in the docklands  :-\ - nice and easy to park as well... all underground  ;D

My pick fit under there  :-\ :-\ :-\
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oh right i wont be going then ha ha!

this lot


me and Marky got in :D :D ::)

Hmm the minimum age is 11, but doubt i would be allowed in for some reason  :-\ Would like to go if there was a few members going up there but doubt i would be able to ...

Plenty of pics though members that do!  ;)

to be honest, i dont recall seeing any 'children, under 18's' there etc??, not sure if you could get in ok??

you cant buy there anyway, well not a model if you see one....i tried!, its not that sort of fair, its more the 000's of boxes to order! :D

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this lot


me and Marky got in :D :D ::)

how did you get in ha ha! whats your excuse

to be honest, i dont recall seeing any 'children, under 18's' there etc??, not sure if you could get in ok??

you cant buy there anyway, well not a model if you see one....i tried!, its not that sort of fair, its more the 000's of boxes to order! :D

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