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I got ran over  :(

By the swivel chair I was sat on, snookered my big toe an absoloute treat. To top it off, I jumped up and dropped the pliers, heavy end first on my other foot!!

Gotta laugh but it made me bloody sad!!

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All the best to everyone.

For me its finding out my sister whos on deployment with the royal navy fell asleep and got really badly sun burnt. Her face is all swolen. Kind of made me sad but on the other hand i want to slapp her for being so stupid.

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I got ran over  :(

By the swivel chair I was sat on, snookered my big toe an absoloute treat. To top it off, I jumped up and dropped the pliers, heavy end first on my other foot!!

Gotta laugh but it made me bloody sad!!

At least you have the consolation that the pliers didn't have too far to fall.  Think of the damage a Jeremy Clarkson height could have acheived!

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Ha Yeah funny you should say that Luke, the midewife told my Mum that!!  :D :D

That is a very good point there Sue, I hadn't looked at it that way  ;):D

Always look on the bright side, Tris - someone, somewhere is worse off than yourself. 

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Snap, been 5 months now, heating isn't finished yet  :'(

Snap...been 8+ years now, 'would need a few months to get mine out. :( Oh, and the showers don't bode well for EASTBOURNE EAGLES Speedway to start their 08 campaign in an hours time.'hope it stays clear for the next 4 hrs, just away now...c'mon Scottie & co. :o
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Girlfriend wanting a break to sort her head out  :'( :'(

Get great news this week work wise but ah well ups with the downs i suppose :D

Wassup wiv 'er 'ed then.............blown a gasket an' got a warped 'ed, or dropped a valve.  ;D:D Women are well known for E.C.U. problems too, very often caused by P.M.T.  ;D::)

E.C.U. = Electronic Control Unit = brain

P.M.T. = Preferring Model Tractors......women just don't understand this complaint in men.  ;):D

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Wassup wiv 'er 'ed then.............blown a gasket an' got a warped 'ed, or dropped a valve.  ;D:D Women are well known for E.C.U. problems too, very often caused by P.M.T.  ;D::)

E.C.U. = Electronic Control Unit = brain

P.M.T. = Preferring Model Tractors......women just don't understand this complaint in men.  ;):D

Ah hem!  Pardon Me Mr Womble but I am a woman and understand it completely being a PMT person myself.  Let's be a little more PC

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Ah hem!  Pardon Me Mr Womble but I am a woman and understand it completely being a PMT person myself.  Let's be a little more PC

Sorry Mrs Vale (Sarcastic git aren't I) I was forgetting about you and Mrs Farmer, and humbly beg your forgiveness...............grovel grovel and much foot kissing :-[:-[.............er you have got nice kissable tootsies.............haven't you?  ;D ...............don't like bony "Plates" wiv lumpy bits on them,..........not nice,  :-X:-\ :P

      Scooze me for bein' fik.................wass PC then........tell me, go on.......I need to know these things......I do......?  ;D;):D

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Sorry Mrs Vale (Sarcastic git aren't I) I was forgetting about you and Mrs Farmer, and humbly beg your forgiveness...............grovel grovel and much foot kissing :-[:-[.............er you have got nice kissable tootsies.............haven't you?  ;D ...............don't like bony "Plates" wiv lumpy bits on them,..........not nice,  :-X:-\ :P

      Scooze me for bein' fik.................wass PC then........tell me, go on.......I need to know these things......I do......?  ;D;):D

Apology and grovelling accepted Mr Womble, and you may kiss my feet which are certainly NOT bony "plates" but neat little things. 

However when all is said and done a lot of female partners certainly don't understand their men's devotion to model tractors, cars, fire engines etc. as I know only too well.

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