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m25 still shut

good job i didnt come home that way then :-*

more likely be a foriener pushing and shoving his way along the motorway as usual ::) ::)

one tryed it with me today but lost :D :D

noticed it just now on the Highways agency site ;)

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but what's replacing her then John?

Yep...a T6080, but it won't be here for a few months, but the dealer got a very good price for the 8360 so it works in my favour. He'll cover me if I need another tractor for silage etc....  :)

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Yep...a T6080, but it won't be here for a few months, but the dealer got a very good price for the 8360 so it works in my favour. He'll cover me if I need another tractor for silage etc....  :)

After seeing your tractor last week end John it was hardly surprising the dealer got a good price for it given its immaculate condition. I suppose if really stuck at silage time you could enlist the help of TT with the litte John Deere  ;D ;D

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After seeing your tractor last week end John it was hardly surprising the dealer got a good price for it given its immaculate condition. I suppose if really stuck at silage time you could enlist the help of TT with the litte John Deere  ;D ;D

not even johns that desperate eh mate :D :D shame to see a old favorite go eh mate, but worth it if you got a good price for her

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not even johns that desperate eh mate :D :D shame to see a old favorite go eh mate, but worth it if you got a good price for her

It just reminded me of seeing the tiny JD ride on lawnmower parked next to the big 8360 ;D ;D

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Today and yesterday. Apparently one of the local tree surgeons died in a accident with a chain saw while he was cutting limbs off a tree. I just think how sad that is; that someones life can end so abruptly, the shock it would be to his workmates and his family. No doubt they would have been looking forward to spending the weekend doing things with him, and in a flash he's gone and his families lives will never be the same again.

    I didn't know him or who he works for but it still makes me sad, as does hearing about the poor victims of road accidents such as those we heard of on the M25 yesterday.

    Maybe I shouldn't think so much about others sadness and losses, but I really value life and care deeply about those around me, and would hate for any of them to suffer such a loss. Maybe I just think too much.


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Today and yesterday. Apparently one of the local tree surgeons died in a accident with a chain saw while he was cutting limbs off a tree. I just think how sad that is; that someones life can end so abruptly, the shock it would be to his workmates and his family. No doubt they would have been looking forward to spending the weekend doing things with him, and in a flash he's gone and his families lives will never be the same again.

     I didn't know him or who he works for but it still makes me sad, as does hearing about the poor victims of road accidents such as those we heard of on the M25 yesterday.

     Maybe I shouldn't think so much about others sadness and losses, but I really value life and care deeply about those around me, and would hate for any of them to suffer such a loss. Maybe I just think too much.


wow shocker that sorry to here that

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Today and yesterday. Apparently one of the local tree surgeons died in a accident with a chain saw while he was cutting limbs off a tree. I just think how sad that is; that someones life can end so abruptly, the shock it would be to his workmates and his family. No doubt they would have been looking forward to spending the weekend doing things with him, and in a flash he's gone and his families lives will never be the same again.

     I didn't know him or who he works for but it still makes me sad, as does hearing about the poor victims of road accidents such as those we heard of on the M25 yesterday.

     Maybe I shouldn't think so much about others sadness and losses, but I really value life and care deeply about those around me, and would hate for any of them to suffer such a loss. Maybe I just think too much.


i know what you mean mate and somethimes when i hear about someones life been taken away or something like that i feel so sorry for family and freinds and as you say their life would be the same

i also value life also and i think that you should live it to the fall and as they say live everyday as its your last

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Spending yet another evening trying to find one of our cats that went missing on Sunday evening.  :( She is a six month old Bengal Siamese cross and looks like a Siamese with a Racoon's tail. She also has the blue eyes of a Siamese. We've put posters up around our estate and searched everywhere in about a mile radius of our house. We've asked people if they've seen her, called her, rattled her dishes and looked under just about every car parked on the road. We found about ten cats on our journey around tonight, but still no sign of ours. :( :'(

    We are beginning to think we may never see her again and think she may have been stolen, as there have been cats stolen on our estate before. She is a very distinctive and desirable cat to a cat thief. Her appearance will make her easier to spot, and that is the only consolation. We lost a cat with distinctive markings once before, and I found him purely by chance. He had stopped to flirt with a couple of women and I was driving past having dropped someone off at their home. This was a week after he disappeared and he was about a mile from my house. He escaped from his compound when he was brought here from Devon. You should have seen my stepdaughters face when I handed him to her. She was even more surprised as we'd given up looking for him. Not all of my luck is bad.  ;):)

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spent a good chunck of the day at the hospital with her parents, having her father assessed as his memorys not been to good latley, after 5 hrs of tests hes been diagnosed and having moderate to severe altzimers bought on by vascular dementure, both combineing to make things not good for the poor old guy, the doctors now trying to talk her mum into stopping the cruise in may to celebrate her 60th wedding aniversary,which has upset her, but we have asured her that we are all still going, as theres 4 of us to keep an eye on the pair of them,how means that doctor, didnt bat an eyelid when she burst into tear

mind you at 91 years old hes as fit as a fiddel, just lost his memory

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Sean, best wishes to you both and to the extended family. Tough as it is, the old Doc does have a point though. I shouldn't think to hastily just yet. All options need to be kept in mind, a cruis ship could be a dangerous place to forget anything mate.

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Sean, best wishes to you both and to the extended family. Tough as it is, the old Doc does have a point though. I shouldn't think to hastily just yet. All options need to be kept in mind, a cruis ship could be a dangerous place to forget anything mate.

i know mate, ,prob is as ong as hes with her and us hes ok, to be honest i will happily give my free time while away so her mum can have abreak, shes been looking forward to it since last may when she booked it, i recon it would do her more harm not going than going, my other half spoke to her brother today and hes in agreement, as long as well all keep an eye on him i recon we will be ok,  the doc cant be overly concerned as hes want to see him again in 6 months time?? and hasnt recomended any major stuff just yet either,just advised it/suggested it in a strong way,

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i know mate, ,prob is as ong as hes with her and us hes ok, to be honest i will happily give my free time while away so her mum can have abreak, shes been looking forward to it since last may when she booked it, i recon it would do her more harm not going than going, my other half spoke to her brother today and hes in agreement, as long as well all keep an eye on him i recon we will be ok,  the doc cant be overly concerned as hes want to see him again in 6 months time?? and hasnt recomended any major stuff just yet either,just advised it/suggested it in a strong way,

my nan went that way Sean mate its not nice :'( she was fit as a fiddle too . but as time went on she did not know who we where and was frightened and very easily upset. i think you will be ok as long as he knows who you are still and you can have some sort of conversation with him that makes sence.

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Sorry to here that Sean  My grandad got it but from when he found out to when it got bad was a long time about so keep your chin up Im guessing "her" is your partner give her a pat on the back from us all on ftf Best wishes matey ;):-*:) :) :)

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