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i will

i think she has got bowel canser

Sorry to hear about your mum and her illness. It's very worrying for someone of your age to hear news like that. Anything that contains the word cancer is really devastating.

    I don't know your mum, but wish her well from me and I hope all goes well for her. One of my uncles had bowel cancer, and I'm no medical expert (Just old) but it is a very treatable disease. He was operated on some years ago and hasn't had any problems since. He's in his early seventies now and obviously at that age, more likely to develop problems than someone who is quite young, like your mum.

    I know it's hard, but keep smiling and make sure your mum knows how much you love her, and that'll help her get better too. I'm sure they will have her fit and healthy soon, so we hope to hear some good news from you in the next few weeks.  :)

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Me too.... Poor Stu.... and Sue..... god bless them both  :-\ - makes all other things look trivial really doesn't it  :-\

what about luke He is going through a really bad time too  :'(

not saying sues isnt just as bad keep your chin up both of you  :-*  :-*

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  • 2 weeks later...

My wife is struggling with her recovery from cancer.

Physically she's getting better but mentally she's finding it hard to deal with.

A girl she met over the internet who had the same type at the same time died the week before last.

Niki's worried that every pain or day feeling slightly under the weather is the lymphoma coming back to get her.

What's sad is that all the way through the illness and treatment she wouldn't talk to me about it but is convinced I didn't care and pretended it wasn't hapenning.

And now she's going through all this and still won't talk to me.

She's just got back from seeing her MacMillan nurse and has taken the dog for a walk because she doesn't want to talk about it.

My sister has just finished radiotherapy for tumours in her neck so I've got it from all sides. My sister has her boyfriend and mum and dad to look out for her so she's been pretty low maintenance but I'm still not managing to give my wife the support she needs.

So that's off my chest now, thanks!

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Bloody hell Simon.... I can't believe how many horror stories I am hearing on here of late.... my first thoughts are poor Mrs H... but then of course there is you as well... and the kids too for that matter

I can only begin to imagine what you and Mrs H (and Sue and Stu for that matter) are going through right now... we all take life for granted most of the time  - it's times like this when you realise quite how lucky you are :-\

All I can say really is please give my very best wishes to you wife... I'll be adding her to my thoughts along with Stu and his problems.

I'm tempted to say things like 'stay positive' 'be strong' - but who the hell am I to issue those kind of recommendations.. I just know I would be in pieces right now if it were me.

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thats not good Simon, not sure what advice to give you or how to help?, you just have to be paitent i guess but be there for her even though she doesnt accept your there, she knows i'm sure :-\ :-\, and you'll be there when she needs you  :)

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Oh Simon -  it is not good to bottle up feelings.  I am in your position but my husband is talking about it and has done so from the start.  His condition is, unfortunately, terminal and no cure is possible but he is still talking about what he wants to do.  He is now in the local hospice and having been told he only has months to live is being very positive about how he wants to spend his last months/weeks/days and wants to come home.

It is harder for you as the partner and you have all my sympathy - in the true sense of the word as I know exactly what you are going through.  I hope your wife will start talking soon as it will ease the situation.  I cannot offer advice except repeat what my sister-in-law has said to me: "Cope whilst you must and let go when you can". 

Be patient with your wife and be supportive and if she does not want to talk about it don't push - just tell her you love her and let her know that you are there for her.

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My wife is struggling with her recovery from cancer.

Physically she's getting better but mentally she's finding it hard to deal with.

A girl she met over the internet who had the same type at the same time died the week before last.

Niki's worried that every pain or day feeling slightly under the weather is the lymphoma coming back to get her.

What's sad is that all the way through the illness and treatment she wouldn't talk to me about it but is convinced I didn't care and pretended it wasn't hapenning.

And now she's going through all this and still won't talk to me.

She's just got back from seeing her MacMillan nurse and has taken the dog for a walk because she doesn't want to talk about it.

My sister has just finished radiotherapy for tumours in her neck so I've got it from all sides. My sister has her boyfriend and mum and dad to look out for her so she's been pretty low maintenance but I'm still not managing to give my wife the support she needs.

So that's off my chest now, thanks!

Sorry to here that simon. Say you have to talk to her and no whats going on so you can help her .  support and reassure her that every pain isnt it back again. :-*:-* :-*:-* :-*

If you need anyone to talk to (i no im not much help) pm me  ;):)

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Thanks all, Marky, Ben, Sue, Adam, very kind. We're managing. As I keep reminding myself, there are people far worse off than me and even Mrs H, so better enjoy it while we can!

I'm with you Marky, I've done the staying positive and being strong all the way through it, as you say, mostly for the kids to keep some normality for them, but I have an eensy weensy feeling this was where I went wrong  ;). It seems to have given the impression that I didn't care which obviously isn't true, but you try getting a young mother facing up to mortality to be completely rational!

Time is a great healer and while I'm utterly convinced everything will be OK in the end, it's hard not being able to help Mrs H share in that positivity.

Like I say, she's here so I'm grateful, and feeling for everyone else who's been through or going through it. It really is a ***** this cancer business.

Sadly, and even with the 'one-out-one-in' way the year has gone, I can't offer any useful advice or kind words which haven't been said before, but I'm thinking of Sue & Stu. You sister in law's quote is sound, stick by it. I don't even need to tell you to make the most of the time you have together, but these will be the times you'll no doubt remember fondly, as you reminisce on all that's gone before.

And little Luke, it's incredible what medicine can do these days, chin up mate, I'm sure everything will be OK.

Thanks again.

On the positive side in our house, at least the dog is getting plenty of exercise  ;):D

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Sorry to hear about your mum and her illness. It's very worrying for someone of your age to hear news like that. Anything that contains the word cancer is really devastating.

     I don't know your mum, but wish her well from me and I hope all goes well for her. One of my uncles had bowel cancer, and I'm no medical expert (Just old) but it is a very treatable disease. He was operated on some years ago and hasn't had any problems since. He's in his early seventies now and obviously at that age, more likely to develop problems than someone who is quite young, like your mum.

     I know it's hard, but keep smiling and make sure your mum knows how much you love her, and that'll help her get better too. I'm sure they will have her fit and healthy soon, so we hope to hear some good news from you in the next few weeks.  :)

thank you i will

i have not seen her in 2 weeks now i have talk to her on the phone i just want to go and see her now

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