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Sorry to hear your wo's Sean

My old man had one 18 months ago and it takes time to get back to some kind of normality

But as long as he's got movement  thats a good start

All the best to you and your families

Hope their recovery is swift

Keep possitive

Regards Scott

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Good news Sean bit by bit he be back and I do differ with this "old" concept you all throwing around well he is only 3 years more senior then me and we aint old!!!!  65 my goodness he got a lot of good years left in him......keep us posted on the youngman's progres Sean

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Good news Sean bit by bit he be back and I do differ with this "old" concept you all throwing around well he is only 3 years more senior then me and we aint old!!!!  65 my goodness he got a lot of good years left in him......keep us posted on the youngman's progres Sean

will do mate, jst posted in the what mad you pleased bit actually,

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i was told this week that i am going to be made redundant next friday after 3 years. jobs are very scarce in my line of work which is health and safety training. plus just to put the icing on the cake my wife is due in 8 weeks with our second child.so i am not in the best of form today as you can guess.

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the main farm building at the Netherfield centre of Plumpton Agricultural College being ripped through with fire with the wind behind it. One of my neighbouring unit's tenants came down to tell me at 3.45pm as he could see it clearly from the drive in to our units and a third of it had gone by then with little hope of preventing it engulfing the rest where the strong wind was. Still raging at 5.30 as it progressed the length of the building  ( at least 150 ft)and probably still so now. Too much for the fire brigade I guess as they were there.

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Thanks guys I will pass on your best wishes to him and his wife. He is not sure if he is coming back to work at the moment with her being so ill but there are 2 weeks before he is due back so she could be well on the road to recovery by then.

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nans back in hospital, again, taken in at 11 last night, another thrombosis in her foot, seems quite serious this time, as when my uncle rang last night they had a surgen down along with the consultant, both in on a call out, talking about possible amputation of her foot or poss leg, seems shes had it since she came home, didnt tell anyone, and the foots gone a very strange colour, alomst as if the bloods been cut off to it :'( :'( :'( :'(

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nans back in hospital, again, taken in at 11 last night, another thrombosis in her foot, seems quite serious this time, as when my uncle rang last night they had a surgen down along with the consultant, both in on a call out, talking about possible amputation of her foot or poss leg, seems shes had it since she came home, didnt tell anyone, and the foots gone a very strange colour, alomst as if the bloods been cut off to it :'( :'( :'( :'(

so sorry to hear that mate :-[ hope everything works out well for her

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