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Look how the last competition went ::) seems funny how some of you boys are only happy if your talking silage and if we talk about anything else it's borring ::) ::)::)

What about this competition - a poem about Silage - you do six lines starting with each of the letters in Silage? I will put this in a new topic ....

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Look how the last competition went ::) seems funny how some of you boys are only happy if your talking silage and if we talk about anything else it's borring ::) ::)::)

Have to agree with you there Mark, They want more comps but no one entered the last one at all  ??? Doesn't make sence to me  :-\

Also the general disscussion area has that name for reason if your not interested in those topics dont read them  :-\

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i shouldn't say this given my position ,but mark has a very very good point ,we went to the effort of getting a comp up after repeated requests from members, and not one person took the time to enter, not one of the people who asked. what exactly should we do, offer prizes for every comp?? well whos going to pay for that then???? the sites free, it depends on all taking the time to start topics  and suggest new ones like comps, however if we do start them up after you moan take the time to enter .

what made me sad today

people taking the time to moan about quiet times on here, that happen ever year due to work and holidays and not offering or taking the time to do anything about it >:( >:(>:( >:(>:(

sorry for all members who do take the time to make the effort,none of you deserve this rant     

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aye but quite alot of the organisers arn't farmers :-\

No but we all have a full time job, some extending beyond the realms of full time. Some have families, some have education on the go and. . .

It takes a lot of time doing what we do on here, alot of what we do isn't reflected in our posts but in active discussions in the Moderator area, amending other peoples posts and topics. If it wasn't for my mobile, I'd not get on here at all.

Anytime any one of you are dissheartened with something, take the time to raise it with a Moderator or with Andy directly. It's no use staying shtum and then rallying support on here. You'll get the wrong response, which it seems has happened.

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Its been more than the last week ... tooooo many point less topic's and 50 % of the stuff discussed is not even farming related  :-\ >:(

Hmmmmmm now this is the FARM TOYS FORUM so why would everything talked about on here be about farming related ???::) ::) If you want 100% farming related talk there's other forums you can join.

As said by Tris and Sean those of us that are Moderators spend a lot of time behind the scenes working on new ideas for FTF, sorting out peoples problems and modifying posts and topics, 75% of our work is never seen by anyone else and is all done on a voluntary basis besides our full time jobs. Yes not all of us are working in farming but that doesn't mean that those that aren't are any less busy with work. When people start asking for more competitions now its a case of why bother organising them if no one is going to bother to enter them, including those that made the most noise about having them in the first place. Certain people also ought to try doing something instead of just moaning that FTF is quiet, slow and boring, its just typical of the mentality we're seeing of late, they all want everything done for them instead of doing it for themselves ::)

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yeah but sure if all we talked about on here was farming that would get a bit boring aswell, so its always better to have other topics to refer to as Gav said there is always the british farming forum you can join there more farming

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yeah but sure if all we talked about on here was farming that would get a bit boring as well, so its always better to have other topics to refer to as Gav said there is always the British farming forum you can join there more farming

It proves the old adage..........you can't please all the people all the the time.  To my mind there has been a huge drivel in postings lately but I just don't read those postings.

Regarding this last competition that was setup I never even knew about it, so to my mind there was something wrong with the 'publicity' as the fact the event was on didn't reach me.  Should there be a couple of people who's sole responsibility is competitions without any other mod duties?

One thing that does concern me though is a lot of those people who used to post regularly in the past no longer do so - and I'm one of those even though I usually look in on FTF at least once a day.  I can think of several other people like me - this is a more serious problem because numbers of posters is the life blood of any board.  I believe this is an issue that needs to be addressed and fairly quickly.

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One thing that does concern me though is a lot of those people who used to post regularly in the past no longer do so - and I'm one of those even though I usually look in on FTF at least once a day.  I can think of several other people like me - this is a more serious problem because numbers of posters is the life blood of any board.  I believe this is an issue that needs to be addressed and fairly quickly.

yes yes i'm guilty here but through no fault of ftf but just some life changing issues i'm not on as often as i,d like to be and when i do get on its not for as long as i,d like to be on

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Regarding this last competition that was setup I never even knew about it, so to my mind there was something wrong with the 'publicity' as the fact the event was on didn't reach me.  Should there be a couple of people who's sole responsibility is competitions without any other mod duties?

the comp was well posted peter, had the usual two topics for pics and discussions ,was sticky and in the usual place, you might well have just missed it thats all mate,ben usally starts them up as hes got the tempate rules bit ect

your very right in we wont ever please all of the people all of the time, if it was that easy the world would be a quiet place eh :D :D :D

missing members post, all rolls into one i guess, peoples hobbys slack a little, work gets hold, loads of outside intrestes and life issues that stop people visiting, as mods theres not much we can do about it sadly, we cant force people to come on and post, some are missed like jdc (busy time on the farm) fp/jc ( multi bussiness in hard times like all) civilpeck ( work again) ccf (girls and toyota hilux pick up  :D :D :D :D lucky boy )

the list goes on, all do revisit mind when they do get time even if its 4 months apart

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I'm guilty of a low post count of late.... I've been having to spend more time in my business(es) and doing some writing as well - doesn't mean I'm not 100% happy with FTF mind you... just current circumstances like a fair few others

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I have my fair few times of not being here for long periods of time, but for the last 4 years I've been on this forum it's never really 'gone down hill' there's just phases where general banter can over-run model/tractor talk. For the select few who are complaining I don't think you've been here long enough to justify when you say 'tooooo many point less topic's and 50 % of the stuff discussed is not even farming related'

If you don't like it, there are other forums where you can go, and complaint to them too if you wish.

FTF is like a big family community to me, always here to have a good chat, for help, for advice or just a bit of random banter.

If we just alked about models all the time it would get fairly boring.

Just my opinion.

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I have my fair few times of not being here for long periods of time, but for the last 4 years I've been on this forum it's never really 'gone down hill' there's just phases where general banter can over-run model/tractor talk. For the select few who are complaining I don't think you've been here long enough to justify when you say 'tooooo many point less topic's and 50 % of the stuff discussed is not even farming related'

If you don't like it, there are other forums where you can go, and complaint to them too if you wish.

FTF is like a big family community to me, always here to have a good chat, for help, for advice or just a bit of random banter.

If we just alked about models all the time it would get fairly boring.

Just my opinion.

I really agree with all you have said - I used to feel that forums were only for very sad people and I feel guilty for thinking that now. Some of the best laughs I have had in the last year have been about things I have read on FTF!

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woke up this morning to find the girlfriends cat had died, then in the afternoon got a phone call to say mum was in hospital cause a cow jumped a wall and knocked it down on top of her, shes going to need a few operations to try and correct her right foot :'( doctor told her she would be out of action for a while and wont be able to dance at my wedding :'(

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