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cheers guys :)

if i'm unlucky i'll look like a mini lord F hah  ::) but possibility of hairloss aged 20 wasn't something i was planning on...

glad to hear they're bearing up ok David...

Thanks Alex. Overwhelmed by the two lads fighting spirit and aside from a few difficulties when they returned to school they're doing brilliantly to keep their chins up.

Hope there's a resolution to the issues you're faced with too at the moment.

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found a few random bald patches on my legs, googled it...Alopecia...so, goodbye hair...  :(

amazing what stress can bring on mate, i lost a small 7 cm ring almost, on the back of my head a few years back , mainly down to stress at work, so the doc claimed, took it easy for a few months, cut back on the ot, said no to some stuff they wanted me to do, and it grew back no worrys, good job it was in a place i could get the hair cut a bit longer and cover it
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found a few random bald patches on my legs, googled it...Alopecia...so, goodbye hair...  :(

Count yourself lucky, Alex. I had it in the fourth year of comprehensive school, my scalp had a full blown crop rotation for two years!!

Docs guessed it was delayed reaction from Dad cracking three vertibrate and spending three months in traction over Christmas of '91/'92.  :-[

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Going to my best friends Funeral he had a brain tumour he was only 49 and I have known him for over 30 years. too young to die.

A good long and solid friendship no doubt. Yes, far too young to leave and a tragic way too. I hope there are plenty of fond memories that you can look back on a smile through, Mike.

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Going to my best friends Funeral he had a brain tumour he was only 49 and I have known him for over 30 years. too young to die.

That's a terrible thing to have to do Mike... so sad... make you wonder what life is all about at times when you hear sorry tales like this  :'( ... as Tris so rightly said... hold on to all the good memories you have of your friendship.

And as for you young Alex... I suspect exams are probably to blame for your current hair-loss... Dr Marky says things should clear up nicely when the exams are over... take a 'chil pill'... 'chill-ax' and all those other modern words.. it's so easy to say that.. but so hard to do I am sure.

I've written you as prescription for 10 pints of lager... followed by a kebab and a scrap with a little bloke.. to be taken twice weekly... and at weekends only - DO mix with alcohol and never drink on an empty stomach - use beer responsibly... NEVER drink and drive.. may contain traces of nuts... OK... I'll shut up now.. just trying to cheer you up and take your mind off... well... you know  :-[

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Count yourself lucky, Alex. I had it in the fourth year of comprehensive school, my scalp had a full blown crop rotation for two years!!

Docs guessed it was delayed reaction from Dad cracking three vertibrate and spending three months in traction over Christmas of '91/'92.  :-[

thanks trissle, i'm really hoping it just stays on my legs and doesn't go to my scalp... shorts in the summer might be a bit larey though!

That's a terrible thing to have to do Mike... so sad... make you wonder what life is all about at times when you hear sorry tales like this  :'( ... as Tris so rightly said... hold on to all the good memories you have of your friendship.

And as for you young Alex... I suspect exams are probably to blame for your current hair-loss... Dr Marky says things should clear up nicely when the exams are over... take a 'chil pill'... 'chill-ax' and all those other modern words.. it's so easy to say that.. but so hard to do I am sure.

I've written you as prescription for 10 pints of lager... followed by a kebab and a scrap with a little bloke.. to be taken twice weekly... and at weekends only - DO mix with alcohol and never drink on an empty stomach - use beer responsibly... NEVER drink and drive.. may contain traces of nuts... OK... I'll shut up now.. just trying to cheer you up and take your mind off... well... you know  :-[

thanks Marky, yeh i'd say it was exams my grandpa being in hospital and my grandma having alzheimer's which is stressing me out so much! panic not i'll be back on the booze from monday haha

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thanks trissle, i'm really hoping it just stays on my legs and doesn't go to my scalp... shorts in the summer might be a bit larey though!

I think wearing shorts on your head may make it a bit obvious, Alex. ..

Oh. . ...  that's not what you mean't is it?!  ::):laugh: :laugh:

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dads been diagnosed with cancer  :'(

but the doctors are positive he will win the battle so all's looking good at the minute :)

Now I'm sure everyone on forum will agree with me here in that we are all here for you whenever needed

But look at the bright side that is very good news from the doctors and I wish you and family all the best :)

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dads been diagnosed with cancer  :'(

but the doctors are positive he will win the battle so all's looking good at the minute :)

Chin up young man, a diagnosis means it is the start of being able to treat something - which is a good thing. These things can go undetected for years and years. Let's all hope your Dad has been diagnosed early enough, there are plenty of success stories out there so I wish your family all the best in being another one of them  :)

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thanks for the support guys,

and we've got some better news recieved as of 8 pm tonight, dad has got cancer but the doctors say it's isn't life threatening and he will win the fight  ???  :of;D

never ever has the family been so relieved  ;D

also dads booked a week away in the french alps next week skiing  :D  (5th of Feb)

so this year should be a more positive year even though we had the devastating news but knowing that he will be fine is the best news ever to hear ;D

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thanks for the support guys,

and we've got some better news recieved as of 8 pm tonight, dad has got cancer but the doctors say it's isn't life threatening and he will win the fight  ???  :of;D

never ever has the family been so relieved  ;D

also dads booked a week away in the french alps next week skiing  :D  (5th of Feb)

so this year should be a more positive year even though we had the devastating news but knowing that he will be fine is the best news ever to hear ;D

best thing i've heard all day! very happy for you, your dad and your family!!

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It would appear Nanna Fry's decline in health is happening a little quicker than anticipated  :( After the diagnosis before Christmas and the fall and subsequent hip replacement afterwards she will be leaving hospital for a Hospice now and not to return home  :'(

Bit of a tough one to swallow for me or be honest.

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It would appear Nanna Fry's decline in health is happening a little quicker than anticipated  :( After the diagnosis before Christmas and the fall and subsequent hip replacement afterwards she will be leaving hospital for a Hospice now and not to return home  :'(

Bit of a tough one to swallow for me or be honest.

chin up trissle, have a hug from me,  :-*

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sorry to hear that tris, i fully understand what your going through, all be it he wasnt my dad, putting sues dad into a home was a hell of a decision, but after a few months, we now all realise it was by far and the best thing to do for all concerned, especially him , we just could not give him the care he needed, and i am sure your nan will recive the same high care she needs mate

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