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Sad that Unkelfergus, Auntiefergus, Crazy Kev and Smellyexhaust have to leave Cornwall early tomorrow to return to Sussex by the Sea. We have had a really good time together in the last two weeks - quality time!!! to be repeated next year or earlier if possible!

Would that be East Chiltington, by the Downs, to be more accurate.  ;D

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Not quite death but I've just said a tearful goodbye to the 106.... she's all wrapped up and ready to ship over to Colin now.... after that emotional torture I'm wondering if I can ever build a model for anyone else ever again..... :'( :-[ The money in the bank isn't going any way towards making me feel better! :-[:-\ :D I don't want to send it away :'( :'( :'(

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Not quite death but I've just said a tearful goodbye to the 106.... she's all wrapped up and ready to ship over to Colin now.... after that emotional torture I'm wondering if I can ever build a model for anyone else ever again..... :'( :-[ The money in the bank isn't going any way towards making me feel better! :-[:-\ :D I don't want to send it away :'( :'( :'(

Make another ya big girl!  :D

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Our only female duck now who just had some chicks a few weeks ago (most got by fox  :'()  ran under the wheel of the disco today, we didnt even notice it mum pulled int the gate forwards no ducks then she run under the rear wheel from out under the caravan,  not mums falt AT ALL  as she couldnt possabley have known. All of the ducks are bad at running under cars or running at wheels seriously they do.

But we were really close to this one bless her really upset me that did, and of course it upset mum as she thinks she killed it all her falt its not.

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Our only female duck now who just had some chicks a few weeks ago (most got by fox  :'()  ran under the wheel of the disco today, we didnt even notice it mum pulled int the gate forwards no ducks then she run under the rear wheel from out under the caravan,  not mums falt AT ALL  as she couldnt possabley have known. All of the ducks are bad at running under cars or running at wheels seriously they do.

But we were really close to this one bless her really upset me that did, and of course it upset mum as she thinks she killed it all her falt its not.

Sorry to hear of your sad loss. I can imagine how your mum felt. Give her a hug from me. We have the same worry with our cats. They often run up and jump in the car when I come home, and we have to be really careful when they are around.

    Some would say "So what; it's only a duck" but a second either way and it wouldn't have happened, and that is the hard bit to come to terms with. One of our cats ran out of my step daughters house down the road from us; and laid in the road waiting for her to go and stroke her. A woman was driving down the road looking in her rear view mirror and killed our cat. Two years later it's still upsetting as again; a couple of seconds in time either way, and she probably would still be here.

    Pets are special, and regardless of what they are; losing them is still very upsetting.  :(

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My sister going into hospital early this morning to deliver a dead baby  >:(

She went for a scan on Monday and was told it had died, then on Tuesday was her twins first birthday, so had to put a brave face on it.

Sometimes i wonder about how cruel life can be, dad died of a stroke on xmas eve (his birthday) 2007 then my uncle died of a stroke as well 6 months later and now my sister!

It makes you question your faith!!!

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My sister going into hospital early this morning to deliver a dead baby  >:(

She went for a scan on Monday and was told it had died, then on Tuesday was her twins first birthday, so had to put a brave face on it.

Sometimes i wonder about how cruel life can be, dad died of a stroke on xmas eve (his birthday) 2007 then my uncle died of a stroke as well 6 months later and now my sister!

It makes you question your faith!!!

Thats really bad mate, my aunty had the same experience a few years back, really puts things into prespective, especially when someone is going on about being sad about a f***king duck ......  ::):-\

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