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My sister going into hospital early this morning to deliver a dead baby  >:(

She went for a scan on Monday and was told it had died, then on Tuesday was her twins first birthday, so had to put a brave face on it.

Sometimes i wonder about how cruel life can be, dad died of a stroke on xmas eve (his birthday) 2007 then my uncle died of a stroke as well 6 months later and now my sister!

It makes you question your faith!!!

really sorry to hear that noel, and i get what you say i sometimes wonder why we cant all be be happy something awfull always seems to get in the way  :(

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Thats really bad mate, my aunty had the same experience a few years back, really puts things into prespective, especially when someone is going on about being sad about a f***king duck ......  ::):-\

Noel i am so sorry to here that, me and my faimly are thinking of you.

Mullan How bl....dy dare you.  I no noels is a lot worse i a feel it is silly of me posting the duck maybe. But it was a pet so its sad for me.

I think you got a blooming cheack way out of order, You maybe a big tough guy who doesnt care about animals but i do so button it >:( >:(>:( >:(>:( >:(

After all this is a topic of What made YOU sad today  Look at some of the silly things people but on here about the weather that made them sad No offence ment to anyone there, this is topic to post what made you sad today, whatever it maybe.

Grrr sorry but you really got my back up.

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Adam, i know what its like to loose a pet, its not easy either. chin up, time is a good healer as they say.

Thank You everyone for your kind words, even though i don't know a lot of you, its a great comfort to read through all the words of support.

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Noel, that's devastating and I know by your posts over the last couple of years your family have had some rotten luck (understatement I know!). Hopefully some good times are around the corner for your sister andher own family and for the family you are both a part of too. All the best for you all.

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Oh Noel.. that is terrible news buddy... I don't know how one can find the strength to get over an event like that... our thoughts and best wishes are with you and your family.  Keep your chin up buddy if you can.. You've had some hard knocks of late - it takes some courage to get through events like this I am sure  :-\

Adam... although (as you have been quick to say) your sad news cannot be compared to Noels family grief... it is still a very sad tale and I can understand how you and mum feel. 

Mr Mullen... I' m sorry but I agree wholeheartedly with Aunty Jo's comment... your remark towards Adam was both hurtful and uncalled for.  Adam posted before Noels post - so unless he's a clairvoyant then he wasn't to know quite how bad todays sad news would be - I am sure Adam would not have posted his tale of sadness had he have seen Noels news first.  Although it's not a competition this topic anyway.

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Sorry to hear that Noel, its not been a good time recenetly, as many have said, our thoughts are with you and your family

same here Ads, i know what its like to lose a pet, they to are part of the family  :( :( :(

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  • 2 weeks later...

Sorry to here that Murry.

Freind of ours was turning in to a garden center right. Bike came round the bend fast and went straight in to the side of his disco.

Guy on the bike saddly died. Only just up the road from us really few miles. Mum said she herd sirens. Now as its really Allens falt as he is on the wrong side of the road turning in he could end up inside for a while. Poor bloke couldnt have done much else really as we all lose concentration for a min. Poor guy on the bike though.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Sorry to here that Murry.

Freind of ours was turning in to a garden center right. Bike came round the bend fast and went straight in to the side of his disco.

Guy on the bike saddly died. Only just up the road from us really few miles. Mum said she herd sirens. Now as its really Allens falt as he is on the wrong side of the road turning in he could end up inside for a while. Poor bloke couldnt have done much else really as we all lose concentration for a min. Poor guy on the bike though.

sorry to hear these storys guys

marshman , simular happenened to my grandad many many years ago , he had his new fordson major , which was afew years old , turned in and a moter bike of that time when straight into the back wheel  :(

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i lad that lives down the road from me has a 2wd old massey ferg usually spreads all his slurry with it, same kinda thing happend Adam he was driving along wheeled her in to the gate and bang a motor bike into the side of him, he had indicators on and so on so god only knows why the guy overtook, anyways now he pulls the tractor into the middle of the road a good 15 yards from the gate so no one can get past him

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