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who drove the combine??


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our combines were usally driven by the same guy on each farm, my uncle george on two of the farms, and a guy called stan on the other smaller combine on the farm a bit further away, having said that i did a few turns in it, as did most of the other familly members, we  kind of shared it arround depending on who got in first at times

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I used to drive the combine 99% of the time, the boss only took over if I wanted a break (very rare as he used to fiddle with all my settings >:(::)) He was happier on the trailer as it meant if he had to be elsewhere he wasn't so critical to the harvest, we all agreed that WE were better off when he was on there or elsewhere as well :D :D

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I always drive the combine  ;D and TT tells me I am the boss too. I do enjoy leading grain though and sometimes end up doing both  :)

Generally the drier stops/breaks down when I'm on the combine...... :(

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I always drive the combine  ;D and TT tells me I am the boss too. I do enjoy leading grain though and sometimes end up doing both  :)

Generally the drier stops/breaks down when I'm on the combine...... :(

That`s because I fill it too full :D :D :D

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I used to do the trailering until we bought a 2nd MATADOR in the early 80's which I drove (father always on the first one) then when we had just the one DOMINATOR 80 (in their place) I alone drove that (except for one evening when Cathy & I went out for our anniversary meal when our eldest son drove for the last hour or so,..he must have been about 15) Father then went baling and Cathy did the corn carting. Fortuneately the drier NEVER broke down as....we didn't have one  ;):) We only combined  the grain when the low-volume aeration fan could cope with pulling it down a few percent, though a lot of it was rolled for fattening-cattle feed so was stored at around 18%

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down our farm its normally my uncle andrew whos on the tarrup 10x forager  :) and it depends who is there to do what jobs , but normaly andrew on the forager , me on trailers , martin or brian on the other trailer or both sometimes when running 3 trailers  :) kevin my other uncle on clamp with the manitou,then my other uncle john on the mower , and raking/tedding the silage depends on whos free but its normally john or martin  ;) baing is whoever free does mowing , i do the tedding and raking ,kevin on the baler ,philip my cuzin or andrew on the wrapper ,and after raking i go on the manitou and cart the bales straight off  ;D:)

but by the time baling comes brian , martin and kevin are out cutting hedges for the council , so it depends if kev is free to do baling if not andrew is on it with phill wrapin  :)

hope this makes sense to you  ;):)

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When I worked on the farm permanently I drove the codmbine while the boss trailered & ran the drier. It mean't he had about 2hrs to do other jobs while I filled the two trailers. Same goes while I go back to help in the summer.

The silage gang I run with, the chopper is driven by my mates Dad or my mate if need be. This year I may get a go though ;D

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For my friend that we work with at home.

My father drives the combine and he draws - his father looks after the cattle and the most important thing tea and diesel :D :D

When I'm at home then I give a hand drawing so my friend has a chance to spread some fertilizer or other jobs and then take over at tea time to give the lads a chance to eat ;)

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When we first took over the combining from contractors I drove the little 85.

When I had to get a proper job the old man took over and promptly traded up to the 78  :o  :D. Which he is loathe to get off  ;).

I get a chance to jump on and cut a few acres every now and then but not as often as I'd like. Bloody full time job.... >:(

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I usually let my farher drive the NH 1530 combine, he can't give out if its done wrong then!!! Myself and my brothers look after straw and cattle as well as delivering the grain to the merchants or the shed for storage. Usually a bit of baled silage to be done that time of the year as well. The silage contractor usually drived the forager himself, or else his son, but he is generally on the pit.

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Were ever i have been always been the foreman, and with current job is as well with boss and another bloke this year will be me carting away :'( then the other boss is spare carter when need it on anything further then a few miles away as in anything over 2-3miles :D

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Oh yes, I drove the landlords Kidd Double chop with our brand-new Ford 6600 in '76 on our own beef silage direct cutting with all the blades in the chopper/blower as the crop was so light that if we'd mown/rowed it up ahead of our contractor with his JD 5400 SP it would have all fried before we could get it clamped, as it was late June and temps in the 90's.(we'd had fattening lambs on the pasture 'til late March expecting rain to bulk it up as usual but they never came).

  They hadn't used the Kidd for a few years and I spent several days setting it up and fitting the extra knives. I had to have a stocking over the 66's air intake to try and help keep the dust out of the aircleaner and regularly remove front grille to de-dust it, never had conditions like it since.

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I usually let my farher drive the NH 1530 combine, he can't give out if its done wrong then!!! Myself and my brothers look after straw and cattle as well as delivering the grain to the merchants or the shed for storage. Usually a bit of baled silage to be done that time of the year as well. The silage contractor usually drived the forager himself, or else his son, but he is generally on the pit.

:D :D

That is the best bit yet :D

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