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The adventures of Marky and Frankie the MF5445 - Born on 09.05.2008

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Honestly... yep.... I think it's measured in 'nano-seconds'  :D :D

I'd be better off with a fastrac really.. but I've not got the money to buy and run one of those.. so I guess I did evaluate other brands... a little... if I had the money I genuinely think I would have bought a fastrac... then again.. perhaps a 6445 with a 50k box would do  ;D:D :D :D

changing color then marky you know you whant to  ::)
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So you got the mud of frankie yet?  you done any ploughing with him yet? nice to see you are looking after it, massey or not, no tractor deservies to be used and abussed, well some might say frankie is abussed in "Diffrent" ways :D Hows his little sister going? You got the baling set up and running like you thourght? or not as much as you bargned on ?

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So you got the mud of frankie yet?  you done any ploughing with him yet? nice to see you are looking after it, Massey or not, no tractor deservies to be used and abussed, well some might say frankie is abussed in "Diffrent" ways :D Hows his little sister going? You got the baling set up and running like you thourght? or not as much as you bargned on ?

Cor blimey Nick... you ask more questions than my wife looking at my eBay account  :o:D :D

Frankie is cleaned EVERY week... just to get the dust off... MUD is taken off within an hour of being noted  :-[:D :D

No ploughing yet... I'll be taking Fanny to do the ploughing... although I would like to give Frankie a good 'testing' sometime on something tough  :-\

I'm a fan of keeping my kit clean... and well greased too... I can't abide neglected ma chinary... although she only gets light work... I think if I farmed it may be different perhaps... although.. look at JDC and Stephen Marshall... they keep some nice kit too

Fanny is fine... er... I think... she lives under a couple of blankets and she's not seen the light of day for a while... what a waste of money as my wife would say  :-[

Baler is good thanks... I've not really invested enough time in it yet Nick to be honest  :-[ - my 'day job' takes up a lot of my time... and I've become a little 'bone-idol' recently to be honest too... we do have a few good customers already and I'm currently sitting on 26 tonnes of cardboard which I sold last week... (at £62 per tonne - straight into the mil in France)

I'm hoping to get some farming work with the waste baler... but over here that's March/April really... when I got Frankie in May, the train had left the station for this year really  :-\

Thanks for asking though buddy  ;)

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  • 2 weeks later...

well this time of year mate surely you know someone who needs some powerharrowing free of charge , go mate full depth , make it work ! :)

Trouble is... I may get her dirty  :o:D :D

Actually... I do have the 'feelers out' - I was going to get my local friendly MF rep to sort it for me... right up until I told him where he was lacking in sales ability  :-[:D :D

What a load of dribble you lot talk........ ::)

Makes for good reading,so keep it up. ;)

Sorry Ol... come and talk dribble with us too please... it's soooooo easy to do  :D :D

We have some olympic gold medalists on here too

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Well if you will let Ben control you purse strings  ::) just think when its dark at 4.30 next month and your trying to use the loader at height in the dark :-X :-X  you'll have to get 1 of those led wind up torches  :D :D :D;D ;D

if ben had the purse strings there wouldn't have been any lights on it simon :D :D every little helps as he keeps telling us

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