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The adventures of Marky and Frankie the MF5445 - Born on 09.05.2008

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How impressive is that Joe... 26.5 acres of glass  :o :o :o - all the plants are polinated by bumble bees as well (honey bees are too grumpy edivendly)...

Now I'm the proud owner of a years floor covering  :D :D

my pics are still uploading  ::)

Noooo Ad... I am Frankie's driver mate... Lumpy got the lorry... he was home before I even got halfway back evidently  :o:D :D :D

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The messey stuff.... it stinks good and proper as well  :o :'(


and finally... the lads loading the baler up ready for a squeeze...


As I said above... 24.5 bales... 30 minutes per bale... about 12ish tonnes of plastic... when clean it will be worth good money as well  ;D

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The messey stuff.... it stinks good and proper as well  :o :'(

As I said above... 24.5 bales... 30 minutes per bale... about 12ish tonnes of plastic... when clean it will be worth good money as well   ;D

Does that mean you have to unpack it and clean it before selling it?

Great pics by the way.

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I've been paid a tidy sum to clean it as well Kris... so it will get unpacked... one at a time and cleaned... like this it's worth aboput £40 pt.... clean is can be £200 pt and more  ;D

I reckon it will be a days work per bale.... or maybe a little less.. some of it is clean anyway... facilities don't exist for recycling dirty product at the minute.... this is pioneering work really... and pretty unique... but British Sugar have taked me with recycling it regardless of cost...

They are a cracking company to work with - very forward thinking and totally committed to the environment  :)

I liike the way Lumpy has a personallised numebr plate mate, LFS? Lumpy Fanny Seany?

Lumpy is flipping stupid more like  :D :D :D
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Very impressive mate ... I am pleased for you that your latest hairbrained idea is taking off...

I am gonna move to Cambridge so watch out..

And looks like all those doubters are gonna be proved wrong about you Marky ...AGAIN  :D :D

Oh hang on I was one of them as I thought you had bitten off more than you could chew  :-[

Good on you bignose  ;):-*

ps You are still a fat faggott  :-\

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great work Lordo, just taken me 4 page to catch up :D :D

Good to see its taken off, pity i got the other job so couldnt help out, but will try, maybe weekends??

not sure i read it but is it cost/time effective to drive that far in a tractor..... :-\ :-\

Julie said when are you coming to school, she only has 7 weeks left!

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Wow done Marky and Lumpy and frankie of course.

So Marky you get paid to bale it..... and get to keep the bales ? Then you get paid to clean it, then you sell it. Hooo cool is that. Well done mate, and a brillant idea :) :)  Barry are you really moving to cambridge?? :o

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Wow done Marky and Lumpy and frankie of course.

So Marky you get paid to bale it..... and get to keep the bales ? Then you get paid to clean it, then you sell it. Hooo cool is that. Well done mate, and a brillant idea :) :)  Barry are you really moving to cambridge?? :o

we do indeed Addy.... silly really.. although the plastic market is somewhat erratic at the minute... I may well have to sit on this stuff to get maximum value on it  :-\

Thanks for the kind words.. although... I would say that the 'doubters' are right at the minute... we still don't have the volume of business to warrant the capital expenditure on plant to date... but it's encouraging to see things evolve in the right direction for sure  ;D

The problem for me is that I'm use to selling to my customers every day/week with small order values... this is the complete opposite... once or twice a year and high value  :-\

But lets not forget the key factor here.... I get to drive Frankie about for hours and hours  ;D:D :D

Anyone want 20t of baled cardboard... it's gone from £62 pt to just £20 (if you are lucky) at the minute  :o :'( :'( - it's a very difficult market to get your head around I'll say that  :-\

Oh... by the way... I'm moving to the Udimore valley shortly  ;D

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Wassup Mark,can't see you or Frankie





Just noticed.... it's currently double the size of that picture... that must be a very old image I think.... I'll see if I can get a more recent one  ;)

My mate fly's his glider over there regularly - I am sure he took some recently

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So how often do they have stone throwing comps then  :D :D ;D Looks like a good days work mark, sounds like all enjoeyd it,

Re the forks, most guys drive around the roads with forks on here.... if you want to make them safer on the road... Make a slip bar, _|_|_  looks like that, slides ovr the forks so you have a flat bar on the end, most of the time we have hazzard pannels on each side for poping out on corners. make sence? its how my mate runs all his forks on his crew

I only asked about 4wd as it looked like you had it on in one of the pics

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Ah I see....

On the forks front... good idea mate... I may well get something fabricated like that... and painted in a bright colour as well..

On the 4wd front... I never have it on really mate... I've only used it once when I was unloading a lorry with wet slippery ramps.... I think that's the only time it's been on in 200 hours  :-[

It comes on automatically when the brakes are applied of course

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  • 4 weeks later...

tell you what mate i was surprised how easy she was to drive compaired to the last tractor i drove (mf690 at a guess) steering is so light,cant wait for the ftf spalding tractor trials next april so we can have a proper play  

No worries mate.... we are having a proper tractor driving trial as well... Fanny, Mavis and Frankie with the Bailey too  ;D - I need to pinch borrow some traffic cones
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