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classic tractor september 2008

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really good  read about the david brown demonstrators & the contractor with all the claas gear.

rory  could i make a suggestion ?

like many readers i have kids,  who if given the chance would demolish the mag to have pics of the tractors posted all over the walls, have you considered making the centre pages a poster ?

think many would agree that maybe it's not just the kids who'd want to put a poster up in their sheds or work shops  :)

just one point though , could the reverse of the poster be ad's ? this way the articles arnt broken up with the removal of the said poster  :)

many thanks  marcus

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In the early copies of Classic Tractor, the centre pages were like that Marcus ;)

the trouble was mark some of the article that the tractor was about was on the reverse side , so when the poster was out , so was half the article  :(

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Dear Tractorman810,

I am sorry to hear about your problems with pages stuck together. Please contact our subscription fulfilment company on 0870 442 1093, ask for David Thomas, tell him you have been in contact with me, and ask them to send another magazine out to you. Failing all that, just report the problem to them and I am sure they will send you a replacement copy. Hopefully it is an isolated fault. 

With regard to the suggestion of the re-introduction of a centre spread poster, we did used to do a dedicated centre spread picture for several years, but dropped the idea when finding suitable images that could stand up to being blown up to A3 size became difficult, this being before the days of good quality digital, which meant relying on non-too-reliable transparencies. The results were often iffy at best. We do our utmost to use a good quality picture on the centre spread, but I accept that this is not the answer for those who want a dedicated poster.

Unfortunately, the quick answer is that I cannot see us bringing back the dedicated centre spread poster at the moment. Sorry guys.


Rory Day

Editor, Classic Tractor

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thanks rory, to be honest its only a few pages weirdly enough right in the ford bit, so unlikley to read that anyway :D :D :D afterall i am a red at heart, rest is ok, so aint overly bothered, after 2 years woth thats the first i have had problems

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I have also had a slight problem with glue on the pages this month, it has affected pages 28 and 29 which is the David Brown article.

Other than that it is the usual good readable articles so well done yet again


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Dear Tractorman810,

I am sorry to hear about your problems with pages stuck together. Please contact our subscription fulfilment company on 0870 442 1093, ask for David Thomas, tell him you have been in contact with me, and ask them to send another magazine out to you. Failing all that, just report the problem to them and I am sure they will send you a replacement copy. Hopefully it is an isolated fault. 

With regard to the suggestion of the re-introduction of a centre spread poster, we did used to do a dedicated centre spread picture for several years, but dropped the idea when finding suitable images that could stand up to being blown up to A3 size became difficult, this being before the days of good quality digital, which meant relying on non-too-reliable transparencies. The results were often iffy at best. We do our utmost to use a good quality picture on the centre spread, but I accept that this is not the answer for those who want a dedicated poster.

Unfortunately, the quick answer is that I cannot see us bringing back the dedicated centre spread poster at the moment. Sorry guys.


Rory Day

Editor, Classic Tractor

Rory I'm afraid I had stuck pages too and when tried to separate with a ruler they ripped  :(

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Dear BC,

This is obviously not an isolated incident so I would ask anyone with any problems with the latest issue of Classic Tractor to contact Dovetail Services on the number given above and ask for a replacement copy.

Once again, please accept my apologies for the problems that some of you are experiencing with your latest issue.


Rory Day

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I finally picked up the mag last week, another typically top notch issue.

Particularly enjoyed the article about the IH with UniHytel loader.

You know when you read a name and think 'where have I heard that before?'.... I had that reading the article, then in the following line I discovered why, Felix did several thousand metres of screeding for me on a job in Cheltenham, top guy.... never knew he was into tractors though until now!

Great stuff Rory, even if it was a bit heavy on the red  ;)

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Thanks Rory. I have never had a problem with the magazine in the past but I do like to keep my copies so I will give them a phone tomorrow.

Thanks Bill

I have just called CT and spoke to someone called John. He took my post code verified address and said a replacement magazine would be sent out later this week. Thanks for your help in this matter Rory.

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I finally picked up the mag last week, another typically top notch issue.

Particularly enjoyed the article about the IH with UniHytel loader.

You know when you read a name and think 'where have I heard that before?'.... I had that reading the article, then in the following line I discovered why, Felix did several thousand metres of screeding for me on a job in Cheltenham, top guy.... never knew he was into tractors though until now!

Great stuff Rory, even if it was a bit heavy on the red  ;)

umm i think yer a month behind mate ???

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rory, often pages of my magazine, become stuck together

this normally occurs after i lend it to my Cornish (ex) work mate, he is a permanent resident here in NZ now.....still wears his ''cornish tractors'' shirt under his overalls........kinda like superman suit........

is it possible to laminate the pages with IH articles on in my mag in the future, ha ha!........only pulling ya chain

tell ya what, you get some more fiat or same articles in ya periodical (now theres a word), like robbo, i also will be a dribbling mess

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I finally picked up the mag last week, another typically top notch issue.

Particularly enjoyed the article about the IH with UniHytel loader.

You know when you read a name and think 'where have I heard that before?'.... I had that reading the article, then in the following line I discovered why, Felix did several thousand metres of screeding for me on a job in Cheltenham, top guy.... never knew he was into tractors though until now!

Great stuff Rory, even if it was a bit heavy on the red  ;)

I could of swore that was in the August issue  ;) ;) ::) ::)

Once agin thought a great read and not so many reds about this month  ;D ;D

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Picked up a copy in my local Co-op today, a bit early this month. There were 2 pages of mine stuck as well but not bad enough to spoil it. Another cracking issue as per usual. Only one slight thing if I'm going to be a little picky, I thought that the report on the 29th June gathering for The D.B. Club do was a little lacking.

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Dear Powerrabbit

I take your point about the report on the DBTC rally on 29 June, but politely agree to disagree.

As the author of the said article, I'm well placed to comment on this event, and the difficulties I faced covering it. It was a great 'do' which I really enjoyed. However, from a journalistic point of view it was a bit of a nightmare. There was no event catalogue and no way of telling who owned what, without actually managing to catch the owner by his or her machine. Unlike some other titles I am not prepared to write anonymous captions, such as 'This nice David Brown 770 stood out from the crowd with its Winsam cab'.

Most of the tractors were away from the main field for at least an 1-2 hours on the road run and on their return to the field it heaved it down with rain. Photography in these conditions was impossible. Granted it brightened up later but became almost too bright, leading to some serious photo burn-out with the bright white tractors.

In terms of the length of the piece, about 50-60 tractors were on site and of course we could have devoted more space to featuring them. But with another DB article in the same issue, three pages on the Meltham gathering was deemed sufficient. One of my main aims was to show the new museum and I think I achieved at least that aim in the report. There was also a picture of the road run passing by the old factory and I don't think you will see that in any other reports.

In contrast, the Nuffield 900 event which attracted 130-140 tractors got 4 pages and the North-West of England Tractor Show, which had around 100 tractors, had two pages, so perhaps DBTC at Meltham didn't do so bad.

I'm always open to suggestions on how we can improve show reports, so please fire away.



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          Fully understand what you are saying about the Meltham 'do'. I'm not wishing to be critical from the article point, as you rightly say, if you do not have, or the organizers can't be bothered to supply sufficient information, then you are somewhat limited. The lack of this information does not surprise me as some of my freinds that attended did'nt exactly know what was going on either at times, much like previous events.

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Dear Powerrabbit,

Point taken, but don't get me wrong, I greatly enjoyed the event and the 'buzz' surrounding it. Plus it was also nice to soak up the atmosphere of the area and the former factory.

I was on site from 9:30am to about 4pm and only started making article headway after 1pm, when the tractors returned from the road run. Such is the nature of the job, though, sometimes everything falls into place, other times you have to dog it out.  I await other mags' coverage with interest!



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