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Everything posted by smithy

  1. This one belongs to my mate Eric he uses it on a trailer in his firewood yard the water pump went on it a few months back and I just did not have the time to fix it then so it was parked up out of the way but today I went and loaded it up with my mate spud and took it back to his as he said he would do it for me , it will be his Sunday project for the next few weeks as we expect the bolts in water pump to shear off as he attempts to undo them
  2. Had a call from a mate of mine the other day as he had got to move his standard fordson out of a low shed where it had been parked for the last 20 or so years he drove it in at the time but as its a non runner at the moment he was stuck as it was round up the corner from the doorway ,got my brain working and thought I reckon my little dumper is low enough to go in and bend around the corner and pull it which it did I also pulled out the Kubota lawn mower as it too is a non-runner at the moment they are now both in storage at the back of one of my sheds .The standard used to belong to a cousin of mine and lived in my village 37 years ago so it was a pleasure bringing it back home ,I have asked my mate if he will sell it to me and so far he has not said no we are going to have a chat again in the next week as we both have other things to sort out which are more important at the moment when I went back to get my dumper we also loaded up a plough that goes with the tractor it was dug up out off a pit several years ago in the Cambridge area and the person that dug it up saved it for my mate ,might be another winter project
  3. lovely collection you have I am jealous of the case lorry will have to see if peter can do me one thanks for sharing
  4. Thanks John it really pleased me when you called in the other week me and Julie both said it was good to see you ,once again thanks
  5. Hi Chris yes I am ok speak soon smithy
  6. Hi Alex I don't have any rape this year I planted 30 acres last august but 8 weeks without rain and none forecast at the time and as it was then October so I ploughed in winter beans instead they look ok but the wind and rain is putting them down a bit ,neighbours have cut some spring barley but mine is poor and 10 days of sunshine away from being cut some wheat has been cut around me but do to my present situation I have not asked any of them how things are running I have not tested the % of any of my wheat's as yet as we have things to do more important at the moment but hopefully by next week we should be back on course to get back to farming if the sun is shining and yes some of my wheat has gone over mainly siskin but headlands on the Leeds where I probably overlapped with the N has gone down
  7. Thanks for the update Alex and the tour around the grain setup makes my barn look like a B&Q shed haha I have also cut my Tower winter barley which was on some lighter land that I rent , 6 fields which amounts to 34 acres produced 100 ton over a weighbridge so 2.941 ton to the acre which we are pleased about 3 lorry loads left the farm at 13% no problem my mate had one load leave his farm at 13% which left him with about 10 tons and I had about 16 so we put it together to make a lorry load and guess what yes that's right 15.8% so a claim was issued we both have samples on the farm and are waiting for a response from the docks will let you now how we get on wet weather and a few other things are holding us up at the moment once again thanks for the update
  8. I normally have a look at Newcastle's results , because our BOBBY ROBSON was a great manager for us down here in Ipswich and he did good things for you as well
  9. I will have to remind him when we get back as his brain is not what it used to be I tell him its his age haha really looking forward to the trip this weekend me and martyn travel later today on the overnight ferry and graham and his good wife Sue will travel Saturday morning so we should meet up sometime Saturday afternoon when we plan to set up the stand ,thanks Paul, Smithy
  10. Yes will have to be like the constipated mathematician when I sort the bill out as he worked it out with his pencil
  11. Yes it was bed and work some days but if things have to be done you have to get on and do them ,as for being back on here I was looking the last few months but as I was very short on time I did not post also had some bad days/disasters happen I just got my head down and ploughed on with work ,had a few challengers/bad luck last few months which If I wonted the world and his dog to now I would post it on Facebook but like I have said before I would rather shove Wasps up my #### than join facebook anyway thanks for the message Paul look forward to catching up with you at a show sometime in the future Smithy
  12. Got a invite to a local dealers a few evenings back (sorry Goody but we had to go to the dark side as they was giving away food and drink)
  13. This was a special job that was slipped in the production line as it was for a good friend of mine ,just got to sort the bill out for this one haha
  14. Since march I have been one day a week sometimes 2 cleaning up and painting railings and gates for Barking Engineering as they have been busy themselves making and installing them and as they are tight for space at there's I have been using my barn so if it had off rained the paint could dry under cover
  15. Was on standby with a tractor last week as this was delivered to the site as are friends are giving up where they are renting at the moment and going to live on site as they are about 1hr drive away at moment and can get on with all the other things that need doing around the site in the evenings ,had to block the road for about 30min while we unloaded it most drivers in the queue were ok but a couple had a few words to say
  16. Dug out this little base and concreted it so the green box can sit on it to house the electrics . The box has only got to hold a meter and trip but that is what the electric board said they must have it is 4 times bigger than really needed and cost £1000 only made of fiberglass
  17. All dug out and boards put around to hold back the concrete got a bit off rubble to put in first
  18. Some good friends of mine and the wife's have a pieces of land just down the road from mine which they have got permission on to put up a log cabin type of property which they are going to live in so I took my mini-digger and dumper down there to dig out where they have to put down a slab of concrete for it to sit on
  19. I will have to go over Grahams and show him how to upload pictures then he can take part in sharing his fantastic collection
  20. Hi Alex we had about 51mm of rain over 3 days my winter barley which is Tower was beginning to show sighs of stress it is on some light land that I rent it is about the right height for straw length but will need some more rain to keep it on track , my spring barley which is Propino is really struggling as it was 7 weeks without moisture and several bare patches across the field we had hoped to get a malting sample out of it but I can see it only going for feed , my early drilled first wheat's which is Leeds is looking really good at the moment but the dry spell may have had a affect on grain fill my 2nd wheats which are KWS Siskin and Evolution are not as dark green as I would like and is a bit short on straw length so that has been struggling last few weeks so now after that rain I hope the moisture go's on the ear fill and not on secondly growth the winter beans (Tundra) are a little bit to thick but are looking good at this moment but there is still a long way to go before harvest , the sugar beet that come up first have two true leaves on them but there is a few more only now coming though which makes the spraying difficult as we cant make the mixes to hot to take out the weeds as it will take out the beet as well the small ones may get big enough by harvest time as not to fall though the webs on the harvester
  21. I was spraying grassland yesterday with no problem but when I went onto spring barley field it was a different story only had half a load in sprayer and was slipping about made a bit of a mess so pulled out of field
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