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Everything posted by smithy

  1. Been back and paid for them (well Colin took the money over for me ) and I still have all the zoo up the farm so don't think the bailiffs will be round as for a sensible offer well I think I will keep them for the moment but I could hire them out to you on a monthly basis with 6 months money up front and now you don't get fram farmers discount on this deal
  2. Hi John , don't now the age of tractor at moment but the man we got it off is looking for paper work , we went to his place to look at ride-on lawn-mower which I did buy as I had someone in mind for it and have since sold . Anyway he was telling use the reason he was selling it as he had bought a Kubota with topper which was bigger than ride-on but smaller than his other tractor that he was in the process of selling but person had not come up with the money ,so if we said we wanted it and could produce the money by bank-holiday Monday we could have it so one of my mates that had took me to see mower really wonted it but at the time was a bit more then he could spare at the time so that's when we all decided to chip in to get it and I would take my low-loader at no cost and get it home and at a later date if he could spare some £££ he could buy my share or if sold on split the profit . He is going to sort out the electrics on it and other small bits and pieces otherwise leave it as it is for now As for my TX34 its not going anywhere at the moment but and its a big but it just might be moved on in 2018 if and only if my mate and myself get this extra bit off work ,and we do find a nice replacement as there is some #### out there ,last year we come across a nice barn stored TF42 right on are doorstep with a 20 foot cut which would have done my mate as a replacement for his MF but as he had just changed a tractor bought a trailer and a self-build shed he could not buy that as well on his own and as together we would not be gaining anything as my TX could do all that we need anyway , as for being busy yes had a lot more gates and railings in for spraying over the last few weeks and few more to come as and when they are built ,speak with you again soon John ,Smithy
  3. After a bit of a meeting which involved coffee and biscuits well several biscuits myself and two other mates decided to buy this tractor which we got home on Monday it is at my mates house as he has jobs for it to do
  4. Whilst at the Sima show back in February I bought a few models of the McCormick/Landini stand and they put them in bags like this I did have 12 bags but have given a few away
  5. could do with your 25mm of rain over here as we have hardly had a few mm in april lots of bear patches in the spring barley field and the sugar beet are struggling most of them are up but still some seeds in bone dry ground like you update anyway
  6. Ok it came though on phone about 11-34 this morning and where I was working phones are banned on site (health &safety) had a look about 1ish lunch time but no message after the Hi smithy
  7. Ok will do never saw the barns but stopped at agri-sly or something like that there was a lot of cattle with calves beside Doubledays ,there is a possibility I might be back up there soon as I might have sold something to them which at this moment belongs to two other friends and I might have to deliver it if deal goes though
  8. Yes still looking about ,not going to buy anything right at this moment but we are looking at teleporters ,ploughs 120hp tractors with front end loaders which there is a good selection up Lincolnshire way as they all have to load up the trailers they are pulling about with the veg that has been freshly harvested also been looking at combines as myself and my mate colin have been asked if between us we could harvest about 70 acres in a years time (2018) my combine would do it no problem but colins is ok for his acres but would struggle if it was a wet harvest so I am not saying we are going to but maybe swap both in for a newer one ,colin has to cut and cart his own so is limited to what he can do in a day I have the wife to cart mine(which bless her she do quite well )so the 3 off us could mow a bit more in a day with a newer machine if we do take on this little contract I am also looking for a good tandem axle 7/8 ton trailer with a rotten body as I have a good body to fit on it anyway we are looking now so we have time to think about things and not/maybe buy the first ones we see
  9. Yes Chris first ones was Crawfords and other one was Doubledays at Holbeach its a long story but got asked if I could do a little job up that way for a well know tractor maker cant say too much about it at the moment so I made the day up by having a look about
  10. Yes done a few miles last few months but you have to travel to look at agri-machines as they are not always on your doorstep like 2hand cars are and if you don't get to look for yourself on things you don't really now if its value for the money
  11. I have had a PM come though on phone from altanb saying Hi smithy but there is no other message with it and I am now on main computer and there is no pm showing is this the one you are on about?
  12. A few golden oldies in this dealers yard together with some new stuff , I paid it a visit together with a mate of mine 2 weeks ago
  13. Case tractors had a demo/show not far away from mine a few weeks back you could take anyone of these tractors out on a old airfield for a test drive they gave a talk with pictures of the range in there tour wagon and the important bit was you could have as much tea/coffee/soft drinks and food as you wanted
  14. A long while back I posted some pictures of my mates at barking engineering (barking forge) taking a shed down well we finally got round to crushing the concrete a couple of weeks back
  15. Thanks Paul as I said it belongs to my mate Simon (Simong on here) he has borrowed a trailer of me to do a little job over the bank holiday weekend
  16. Had this tractor pay me a visit this morning it belongs to Simon a member on here sorry about the pictures the sun was just in the wrong place
  17. I now someone that regularly drives a quadtrac though Cambridge down the road where the shopping centres are and along the bit where all the cars are for sale I think the farmers name that my friend works for is Banks
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