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Everything posted by robl12

  1. Yes they did bill it was tradition in the stills and the bottling plants. You used to get a cup full every day. Mate used to do refits in stills and whilst in there saved up the flask cups of whisky in a thermos and take it home to his dad at the end of the week. Most now get a bottle once a month, dad knows several still workers so gets a steady supply
  2. Back at work now for another 2 weeks of fun ah well at least I dont have any snow to look at here ;D
  3. Thanks Jo and Cerin, Have been busy so time on here has been limited. We have been snowed in for a week now and have had the daily task of digging us out snow plough came and cleared a path onto the estate but still cannot move car. All is better at home now thanks for asking. Not done anything for my birthday due to the fact my presents are stuck in the post somewhere as had no post since Monday and no party as nobody can get to our house so am moving my birthday to June
  4. Thanks Jo I phone the hospital last night he has stopped vomitting and has had some dry toast and is drinking but was kept on the drip overnight all being well will be home by lunchtime so then straight up to elgin to see them.
  5. Just found out my youngest son has been rushed to hospital as he has been sick for the best part of a week, the worst of it is I am stuck on a hunk of steel in the middle of the north sea and cannot be there for him or my wife who is in the hospital with him. :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(
  6. Well today Iam still at work Should have got home today but weather conditions put paid to the flight schedule for today 2 flightsbefore ours > Hopefully get home tomorrow but not holding out much hope, ah well at least it is more money in the bank.
  7. Thats my nightshift finished away for breakfast then a shower then bed. Christmas dinner tonight having seared duck and fillet steak.
  8. Have been busy already tonight with a couple of jobs have got some crude oil samples to do after midnight and also have a sampler unit to change out so will be all done by about 4 am what a merry christmas here on the Tern Alpha Oil platform
  9. Thank goodness they now have a ramp. That is totally appalling the risks involved are too great for the work to be carried out. Too few people forget that even farms are now expected to fill in Risk assesments for tasks. The excuse we have done it before and nothing happened is no defence the fact that thei was thought of/ planned is shocking, This is not a dig at you Murray and please don't take it as such. As an apprentice engineer you should be looking at this and thinking that is dangerous, nobody should ever be scared to speak up if they see dangerous things going on. As for the barrels bursting if dented possible but not normally they can be stacked several high in store yards.Important to remember most drums are plastic lined to avoid corrosion. No matter how long ago this was taken it should not have happened.
  10. Aberdeen city council was slated yesterday for their lack of gritting and ploughing. Why not day working in the warm though I think
  11. Not a suprise Bill they do not start until 6am and finish at 9pm all the councils and Bear are the same
  12. Quiet night at night last night have been sampling crude oil and a few other jobs have got wireline work going on at the moment as they try and find more oil from the reservoir and the existing wells they use explosives to make holes in the tubing deep inside the well bore. Apart from that had a video on Piper Alpha to watch.
  13. When I spoke to my wife last night Brian she said at 9pm it was -10.5 in Aberchirder. Just a little bit chilly. Here in the north sea today it is very cold very windy and has been raining. Hopefully helicopters will get here today got stuck in shetland yesterday due to lightening and snow storms.
  14. robl12

    Gritting Rigs

    Think most depends on the council and the amount of snowfall gritting they have to do in a year Aberdeenshire council have quite a large fleet scanias and DAFS mixture of new and old with angled and vee ploughs. Also have some snow blowers as well gritters are mostly ECON bodies also have some transit mounted ones as well for use on housing estates. Have a fleet of Kubota mini tractors with ploughs and gritters for pavements. They also have 200 farmers in the region contracted to clear roads they all have vee ploughs.
  15. What a 24 hours I have had yesterday at 05:30 plant tripped so we had to shut everything in for the dayshift to get it running again. Then went to bed but was woken up at 12 because the platform alarm went off so we all had to go to the muster points then when we came on shift tonight we had the whole plant to start because the platform our oil goes to was shutdown until 18:30 have been outside most of the night opening up oil wells and start compressors and pumps have earned a nice fry up this morning
  16. Have arrived back at work on tuesday here on the steel prison in the North sea until the 29th December on nightshift again as well christmas will be a fun affair, will still have all our normal jobs to do but will have a pile of sweets to fuel us about the platform ;D Have been busy over the past couple of nights but keeps our minds off christmas.
  17. Could not have been a worse place. typical aberdonians not helping you out.
  18. One of my work colleagues gave me an early christmas present this morning a book called know your tractors. He had seen it in a bookshop and though of me so had a little bit of light reading this morning before bed.
  19. Last day at home today head back to work tomorrow for 2 weeks which means I will miss christmas with the family again this year :'(
  20. Too cold to do anything outside so doing housework full clean from top to bottom also have our youngest son to look after other 2 have gone to their granny's for the day.
  21. Thanks for the replies have spoke to the local council to make a complaint and if it is still not resolved then offsted it is, The head teacher avoided my wife when she went into the school to pick up my sons work books and gym kit she ran into a classroom as my wife approached and was peeking out the door to make sure she had gone. Last night we had the police at the door :police: the other mother complained because my wife left a no offensive message on her facebook page, and they went to the police about it the officer was very good and said that he had come to tell us that they had punished their son for what he did and that she could not come down here as she thought my wife might attack her : Officer admitted that there was nothing offensive or abusive with the message and it annoyed me that they wasted his time with such a trivial matter
  22. Have had a frost here for 2 days now in aberchirder, scrapped wifes car at 10:30 for her going to work and it was still -5 outside, she went out to go at 11 and the windows were icing over again
  23. the new school our son will be going to he starts on monday seems a reallly nice friendly school there are only 9 children in his class.
  24. Bl**dy bully at my sons school yesterday stopped him from using toilet which led to him messing himself he is only 6 no child needs this. Been to see a new school because of it all and the head teachers inability to take action!!!
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