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Everything posted by IH885XLMAN

  1. They should have done the Ertl 784 international instead of the one they propose or just do a 674.
  2. If they want to release old ertl stuff i suggest they release it for ertl not brirains
  3. I might have to eat my words though it does say "Bringing back the classics " so there could be a UK classic release in there even if its a re hash nash 956xl or ford or DB JD ild welcome them
  4. I said it on face book TOMY are stringing us along with ertl cast offs come on BRITAINS for a reason so just produce some BRITISH stuff no big prairie monsters or 70s US of A classicis We wont be fobbed off TOMY
  5. Could we please have a pic of the blue Massey Ferguson 165 with loader please
  6. Wow it would nice to see more classics to reflect but even if they did re issue I dunno a ford 5000 or bubble cabbed 6600 ipd be pleased to be honest as I made the mistake of selling allot of my collection off
  7. What were the 2000 and 3000 scratch builds or based on something else they are the mutts nutts
  8. Lets just put 2020 aside and look forward to next years new releases I hoping we see another heritage British classic tractor released So any rumours lets hear them please Cheers n igel
  9. Looking good sean what was the chasis a 135-im guessing or a,240by UH?? Cheers
  10. Loveing the weeks trailer john and that nash and the 1394 is just too much for a,friday when I got work tonight ha ha!
  11. At the time blisters sweat shaking my sides felt like they were splitting Falling flat on your face cos your foot went between two bales as ur carrying 2 at a time to try and keep up with the elevator chaff down ur pants inbetween the crevis added on to the pints of sweat running down off your shoulder blades dust sticking to anywhere moist everywhere on your body in ur ears eyes nose Just waiting wanting for the trailers to stop coming But funny thing is i loved every bit and if i did one summer these days with small bales ild loose 3 stone and thats from someone whos got allot to loose ha ha!
  12. Used to stack 48s but we never had the bale transporter We had 2 salop bale trailers rear axel front axel on a turntable we used to stak them in 48s just to give the majority of bales shelter from if it rained Be the two trailers ready to unload into the top of silage pit or loft ....muggins always ended up in loft the old labourer who staked the trailers would off load on to an alfa leval elevator he could rake his time filling the elevator but i was rushing to clear the pile as i staked in the loft that would take us till dinner time after dinner then off to load the trailers for next day maybee get 6 trailers between 3 of us in a 8 hour day slow i know
  13. Ive got 2 replicagri 845 xl cabs one britains ex 1056 xl i only want a 2 wd 885 xl and a 4 wd one from the 85 series but at a push ild also think of a 4wd case ih 885 supee 2 maybee i just think the IH early versions realy looked better
  14. Do i detect a IH 885 XL soon john ? She looks good Am i right in saying they were basicly a 85 series tractor but with the 844 xl or 856 xl transmission fitted ?
  15. A generator based on a world wide ih is it john ?
  16. Not really a workbench more what's the printer gonna spit out at you ha ha! Seen a david brown 900 cut out book and seeing if i cant do the same with this baby early stages yet
  17. GPS Thats very interesting To me the 85 series survived up to the end of doncaster when you look at the Mccormick C70 it just looks like a 885 L or 785 L even has the fuel tank on the back even the front bolster too Still trying to get my head around a maxxum cab on a 885 Wonder if ih doncaster even looked at useing the sekura explorer cab a dacade earlier but i suppose the XL would have killed those ideas Love the ih prototype ideas Heres one for a future challenge john it nearly went into production and look at the colour true new IH corperate colour so caseih must have realy liked the scheme
  18. Looks like they were trying to fit a maxxum 5140 cab to a 885 tractor
  19. Ive got two replicagri ih 845 xl black fender type just like the 85 series xl cab barr the gear stick in the wrong place ahould be on drivers left ha ha! but the closest cab for ih 85 xl series john and i dont realy care for the 845 xl as a collectors tractor the front axel might do for a ih 955 i was thinking
  20. But the yellow 135 was never in the catologue as cabless
  21. Ok what about the hanger boxed cabbless version of the yellow 135 massey ferguson .....seen one or two on ebay but i wonder if they are rare or ment to be yellow and cabless
  22. Roll on the 3000s and 3600s ha ha then u got all the hiway and industrial versions
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