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Everything posted by 1972farming

  1. Actually ,the more I look at my new 5000,the more I like it. I like the cab glass,the extra detailing compared to the old one and I like the front grille.Mine does seem to sag a little in the middle but I am going to see if I can alter it.Overall a nice addition to the range. A new Powermajor or Supermajor from Britains would be nice in the future maybe .
  2. Anybody else out there spotted the spade lug industrial tractor on ebay tonight.It is listed as promotional model.Just wondering if anyone had any more info on it. I would post a link but I haven't got a clue how to ! Andy ?.........maybe ? \ Or is Andy up to his ears in bubblewrap ? I know I mentioned it before today but thanks again for the ftf 6600 Andy.
  3. I just bought 2,might buy some more .
  4. Yes I know what its like. I simply haven't got time to ride mine,I bought it last september and have only ridden it around the garden a few times.I plan to get my son Charlie a small bike like a crf 50 . He can ride one quite well and it won't make too much noise in the garden.
  5. Hello Marky, Cheers for that ,I will wait and see if she replies. Hows the bike ? Mines for sale .................again !
  6. Has anyone tried converting one yet ? I am thinking about trying one. \
  7. Hello to you all, Does anyone know anything about the old space "Stargard" toys from the early to mid 1980s ? I have my old catalogues for production dates and model numbers but I was wondering if anybody knew values etc. I am guessing that they weren't very popular at the time and therefore aren't very collectible now ? I can remember them but I never liked them back then. Cheers
  8. I use scaledown ford tractor blue on the Fords and mf65 red on the siku mf 135s.
  9. I have actually hand painted these chassis and they came out really well. I have also fitted some stub axles from newer castings to the old 7710 casting so I can use newer style wheels.I hope that sentence made sense,its one of those things thats easier to show someone than explain in words !
  10. I haven't been on here for a while.I have been busy with work and building some convos. Here are a couple.They are nothing new or unusual but I like them and their new owner is pleased as well. I had a few 7710/TW20 casting lying around and used them up.
  11. Sorry super6 , [the pink box is marked up 9500 Farm cart. The roller is 9503 and the mik float is 9504.
  12. The green box with the spoked wheeled cart is a repro from steve flowers and is marked up 40f.The pictorial box with the rubber tyred cart on it is 126f and is the genuine box for the rubber tyred cart I have.Hope that all makes sense .
  13. Lovely pictures of some very nice models.
  14. I had one of those yellow mystery ones last year and sold it on ebay.I never did find out who made it though.
  15. I bought the milk float and roller along with a boxed elevator,boxed 135 industrial,boxed trees and a mint unboxed 5000.There were also a load of loose animals from the same period (late 1960s).I think I paid quite a lot for it all but I can't remember exactly.
  16. This topic could go on and on. I forgot I had these later models from the 1960s.
  17. Thanks TBF, I may try and get a proper horse. Here are my boxes for horse drawn models.
  18. finally one of my hay rakes. This one was missing its seat so I fitted a fordson e27n seat .
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