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Everything posted by ihatepoundland

  1. I'll be putting up with the hitch, the rest of it looks great.
  2. The kit from this thread was harvesting, though I didn't have much luck as I was in the wrong place...and missed one of the MB Tracs. Also saw a tractor rolling a field, but I think he was building a run way
  3. i took a photograph whilst passing a field...looking at the photo now I am annoyed I didn't stay as there was another MB trac in the field that I didn't see at the time(right hand side behind trailer) and I bet it was the one with the floatation tyres :'( :'(
  4. Risk and reward eh Mart...what kind of revenue would this tractor bring in, if you don't mind me asking?
  5. Is there anything you can't do yourself?
  6. Very interesting, wonder what kind of efficiency they get from that set up.
  7. Look great and congratulations for scratch building so much of it, I certainly wouldn't have had the patience to build a cab or floorpan
  8. I'm liking the 8210! Many hours on her?
  9. Nice pictures...what's that moggy up to?
  10. With the header off, I can really see how narrow it is, Great pictures
  11. It's a heavily compressed .gif image - the colours have been simplified, look at the dots. I imagine it will be the same as the existing
  12. No sign of 'distressed' milkers in the area - therefore unlikely to be him
  13. Is this an offical photograph?...if it is, they need to shoot whoever did it, rear tyre is on the wrong way
  14. Haha, indeed, mother and baby arrived just after I stopped to take photographs, she said he likes to have a tractor ride before bedtime
  15. Fairly rare to see stubble disc'd, usually ploughed straight in - and probably the biggest tractor in the area to boot Missing photographing the harvest already, bring on the maize. And on yonder hill -
  16. Re: the British tractors - this was another one of my motivations for doing it, it seemed to me that these tractors had been generally ignored, apart from the lonestar and I didn't want my model of a Marshall to look like that. I was tempted to badge this as a 125 just to have the big tractor in the range but I read that only 6 were produced and felt that the 100 was a better model to represent the series. And thanks again for all the compliments
  17. Thanks for the review, fair and honest and backed up with photographs. Despite the faults, I think I will get one, to my layman eyes it does look good with the Bomford
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