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Everything posted by ihatepoundland

  1. Next two of the fendt 818 I've posted drilling before, this time at night They are a bit abstract
  2. The first photographs were taken on sunday, it seemed a bit strange to me the way they cut the maize this year, they used the Big X to cut around the edges of the fields and then disappeared until wednesday to do the main part of the crop, any idea why they'd do that? First two of the Krone Big X V8, pulling it's own trailers cutting the head lands.
  3. Does the ford 8730 deserve two entries? And not a county in sight...shame on you
  4. looking at the weather outside, probably a good job you did! Can't wait to see one of these conversions with a 5610 or the like on it
  5. Great news flavio, hopefully we'll hear a full review soon....so excited
  6. Not many pics as they all look the same when hedge cutting Field behind our house again, the one that got sprayed recently by the JD. This a a local contractor guy, does quite a bit of the hedges around this area. After this job was done the field got ploughed with the Massey 6290 (from the silage posts) and a 5 furrow plough....forgive me for not going out in the rain to photograph it, it did sound good though
  7. Great method! I usually just whack resin in gaps but this looks like it would give a more uniform finish
  8. Ford TW35 Powerfarm, made Britains much more enjoyable to play with, great fun running it along side a TR96 or Claas Jaguar or attaching it to the other implements and watching it work, it was great with the powerfarm implements but also with the normal ones such as the NH baler and towed forager.
  9. I'd have to go with the Mashio power harrow or the Bamfords bailer because they functioned pretty much as close to the real thing as they could have.
  10. I did think it might have this one; http://www.valtra.com/common_sites/commoneng/news/ValtraNews/2003/1_1_new.asp?id=381&loc=13&CC=0&FROMCLUB=0
  11. I love the fendt shots with the countryside in the background and also the John Deere on those tyres...always looks a bit odd to me when the rim is smaller at the back
  12. The slug problem was in the news over summer, it wasn't sunny enough so they could stay out for longer eating and therefore breeding without drying out. We put homemade 'traps' made of plastic tubs and slug pellets in the garden, usually got at least 12 per trap, I'm sure if we had more out we could have caught 100's.
  13. I bet it only takes one to add a name plate before the other contractors start doing it Great photos again mart, two of them seem a over exposed though...I think you should have words with you camera i had a little play in photoshop, hope you don't mind
  14. When I see these tractors they always remind me of tractor pulling
  15. I've got a feeling we could see some stuck maize equipment down this way \
  16. Anywhere between ?10 - ?20 on ebay. The 8630 may do more on a good day.
  17. Two fastracs in the field, making me jealous, I've never caught one working :'( The Cat Claas looks like it could do with some new tracks \
  18. MB TRAC1800!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :o :o I need to go and have a lie down now
  19. At first I though the mudguards maybe sitting a few mm too high, but on a second look I'm not sure if that is an optical illusion due to the bonnet being low:-\ Anyway, good work with the mudguard extentions, they seem to be commonly overlooked - I think this is going to turn out a goodun
  20. It's looking a little high to me, johny , I had a look for a photograph to check; http://www.cervettigroup.com/catalogo/foto/USATE_MACCHINE_AGRICOLE/118.jpg I think if the cab and bonnet were lowered a fair bit, you'd have the makings of a excellent model
  21. I just found some photographs i took at a local show a while back for the purpose of maybe doing this conversion one day, sounds like you are already on the way Deerepower, but they might help someone else;
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