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Everything posted by CMB

  1. Sorry about your Deere experience Niels, but that report put a smile on my face!
  2. I managed to break the zip on mum's new greenhouse. Clumsy as I am, it's not as if I used any force and it was under strain at the corners. Shoddy thing, it really put me in a foul mood. I hate zips! (and cheap greenhouses)
  3. Of your collection above Paul, which would you say was most accurate In terms of Massey Ferguson red?
  4. Yikes that's 24 tonnes of hay bales he's got on the back there
  5. Finished putting up a little slot-together greenhouse, then covered the beds around it with black plastic ready for two raised beds and flagstones to go on top. Lastly as dusk fell, I lit a bonfire in the new fireplace I built out of firebricks and breezeblocks and stayed for a while to make sure it didn't engulf the digger or new greenhouse.
  6. Good stuff Rob! That 6520's got quite a job on the trailer
  7. Two Britains folding cultivator (9550) varients, plus a blue Britains County convo from the February Spalding auction.
  8. The only Britains driver that I could get to fit in the 1056XL was the old combine/Landrover driver, thus: (sorry about the dust) Not a lot of head room left though!
  9. Ferrying cement between a mixer truck and our alleyway. Soaked to the skin, but the sun made a late appearance, which was nice.
  10. Well my pick up passed its MOT this time, but perhaps because I took it to another garage who couldn't find the major faults the first garage failed it on
  11. After three days of blistering sunshine, there is now a blizzard outside!
  12. Seeding a small patch of field where it was damaged by our building work, then hammered in a dozen or so posts to stop the cows tramping on it.
  13. Antarctica?? How did you get involved in that?
  14. Absolutely 'effing wonderous (sorry!) :of It brings it all back, having this cadmium-coloured beast rumble by our little house in north Devon 25 years ago. Can't wait for the finished thing (don't ballz it up now! )
  15. Not much Gav, it failed on the anchor bush/pins being slightly loose on the nearside leaf spring, and white bulb light visible through a smashed fog lamp . Two+ hours labour, then back for a re-test.
  16. Now I remember meeting Phil and Chris with their forestry layout at Toytrac 2010, which I can recall being stunned by.
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