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Everything posted by Rhysmassey135

  1. Went to pick up some scaffolding from builders yard, went to get straw for the pigs then up to my cousins to help feeding scraping and with the sheep
  2. Sheep , i jumped on its back from the quad bike rack and it dragged me about 20 metres down the field before i could move my hands up to grab its head \
  3. Looks superb so far, its going to be a good one
  4. The one i saw had a red dump trailer in Carmarthen roundabout it was, by Mcdonalds
  5. I think it was the 6920 not 100% though \
  6. Not to keen on it, looks like a black and white photo \
  7. Quite nice, i didnt really like them at first to much, now i dont think theyre that bad saw 1 conked out on the side of the roundabout in town with a full trailer on
  8. Nice model, dont think il be getting one, too big
  9. Looks great, love that fencing scene with the two Mcormicks
  10. Looks a nice model, love those tyres, makes it look loads better
  11. Came home a bit hungover, went to get big trailer with dad in the hatsu, shifted all the builders waste, old gripfill packets old wood etc, burnt it then went to pick up my new jacket then had a loook in Aldi and bought a hot glue gun
  12. Looks very nice those agri geo barriers look tidy
  13. JD 7530 with slurry pumping equipment, not a tractor but a lovely scania V8 with a 13 tonne JCb, a 4 tonne JCb and a 5 tonne dumper, twin exhausts... 12 spotlights.... what a machine
  14. Looks good Coxy, sheds nice, lots of the pictures look real to
  15. Looks great Tris, will it be painted? it would look awesome painted like this one
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