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Massey Boys Mum

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Everything posted by Massey Boys Mum

  1. Cold in Cornwall - but the sky is beautifully blue and everything looks stunning. Last night we walked home from the pub and the night sky was extremely clear, it was lovely.
  2. Yeah very funny - but what were you doing at the hospital? Was it your ----s in the wrong place?
  3. poor you - that sounds terribly stressful for all concerned - good though that you were able to think of the bigger picture.
  4. Been out tonight with my husband to a Cornwall Butterfly Conservation meeting - fascinating stuff. I am constantly amazed by the amount of dedicated experts there are in the world who know so much about their subject.
  5. The long stretched look makes me think it could have been a proto-type for the MRI scanner that came into use in 1974. That grill at the front is a little door where they slid the person in.
  6. This sounds fantastic - so many older people would enjoy this! People stop going out and dancing because of losing their hearing.
  7. My goodness David - I think you should write a book or something - you make all your photos so interesting with the commentary etc. I do so enjoy!
  8. Thanks - you are right, a great opportunity for him also he has learned that if you don't ask then you won't get! Simple but true, hard to have the confidence when you have not done it before.
  9. We wrote to Cerin's school yesterday asking if he could have all three days off for the Royal Cornwall Show so that he could help on his boss's stand (Agricultural Engineer and Krone dealer) - as an educational opportunity. We got a reply today saying YES! Everyone's happy!
  10. Don't ruin it, I thought it was the real stuff on an ultra-fast exposure!!!
  11. Uncle Powerabbit has just bought one - maybe he will put up a picture for you (and me, because I had a lovely one, robbed by my power-hungry brothers for their own devices, stables turned into tractor sheds etc etc...}
  12. I think you should shoot a tractor movie - in 3d, along the lines of Avatar. You have the skills and talent.
  13. OK - you could do a vote. Choose your favourite names and then let the forum members have one vote each on them? Could be fun ........
  14. I love your set up - we need more horses on the forum. Have you got any showjumps to put in the fields? What is the name of your farm?
  15. "The freezer is for the game keeper... this is a hoooooge estate farm we are doing near Saffron Walden" For some reason the thought of the game keeper in the freezer cracked me up!
  16. Cerin and I were just talking about the increased numbers of fat farmers ..... loadalls are to blame!
  17. Great pictures - looked like a good time was had by all. What was at the end of the rainbow?
  18. I would be careful David - you may end up with more than you bargained for: http://images.google.co.uk/imgres?imgurl=http://www.peacockshock.com/archives/hairy%2520man-thumb.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.peacockshock.com/archives/cat_newcastle.html&usg=__lkIcnz3-qNDYIZtNAIpFKhRBcdc=&h=278&w=300&sz=98&hl=en&start=7&um=1&itbs=1&tbnid=fsxU_2T3S9IEFM:&tbnh=107&tbnw=116&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dhairy%2Bman%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DN%26um%3D1
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