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Blue man

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Everything posted by Blue man

  1. 17 Tractors drawing??Was it a long draw or what and 1 harvester and 1 loader??????Beats me
  2. Can you show us how your going to fit the rear axle ??
  3. Off to get it now ill give my verdict when im back
  4. http://www.aldi.ie/ie/html/offers/special_buys3_12876.htm?WT.mc_id=2010-05-10-14-44 http://www.aldi.ie/ie/html/offers/special_buys3_12879.htm http://www.aldi.ie/ie/html/offers/special_buys3_12880.htm Are ye happy with me?? ;D ;D ;D
  5. you can get the axles for free from siku themselves
  6. oh right hes only about half an hour from me see
  7. Do you have relations in Cork or what to know about him or on the web??
  8. Can`t be lad,Cerin/Massey Boys from the U.K and plus george doesn`t run renaults or redrocks
  9. Unreal pictures lad the scottish don`t do things by half lad
  10. If it works out wonder if theyll do a herron
  11. we only got our second cut done at the start of september last year
  12. The red county is one of the last countys ever built.It was not built by County them selves but by the company they sold up to(name escapes me).Only a handfull were built and not many are left.I hope this wont make Rory mad but im sure his article will be much more intresting. (Back to the magazine) Was a great read as always. Oh and rory ye dont have a photographer over at the ford and fordson expo in fermoy cork
  13. Im 13 and i am much more confident driving our `88 2wd Ford 7610 II Than driving my uncles Valmet 8050.Im not saying that the Valmet is a bad machine but im just familiar with our 7610
  14. Ford 6810 4wd Ford 7610 2wd JCB 412 Renault temis JD 6330&loader Ford 8830 I saw a place Noel would of loved aswell There was a 110-90 160-90 180-90 and a m160
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